Hello. I am designing my first robust (for new user) db in Access 2003. I
have spent alot of time reading books on access and have re-designed my
tables according to good advice of Tina (replied to previous posts). I am
about to start entering data into newly designed tables and how I am going to
be able to "see" related data while entering other data boggles my mind so
fresh into this design. I am hoping for some advice on ways to ease my fears
of hours of wasted time entering 'garbage'.
I am designing a database to track the houses we sell and all that goes
along with the builder receiving payments (called draws) throughout a
construction project, that which is related to how the client pays
(mortgages, etc & all the contacts that go along with that) and also the
selling price and other certain property information, in addition to
insurances and inspections, etc. and also the most difficult and also the
most important thing to track is how the lender pays us for the construction
process (5-7 pyts spread out over time) and each lender can have any one of
many 'payment schedules' that we must adhere to and track % of completion
amount paid to date amount of each payment, etc, etc,...
I have the following tables and will only list table name and primary and
foreign key to save time and space (hope ok)...
ClientID (pk, autonum)
tblClientPhones <Q: is this this where I would enter the # itself, which
PhoneID (pk, autonum)
PhoneTypeID (fk from tblPhones, # long int)
tblPhoneTypes <Q: Would this be where the type of connection fax ph or
mobile, etc.>
PhoneTypeID (pk, autonum)
SiteID (pk, autonum)
tblLenders <Q: Should make a seperate lenders branches tbl to track each
branch that I deal with or keep all in Lenders tbl. Just afraid of dual
entry, etc.>
LenderID (pk, autonum)
tblLenderRepresentatives <Q: I think this is a linking table?>
RepID (pk, autonum)
LenderID (fk from tblLenders, # long int)
RepresentativePhoneID (pk, autonum)
RepresentativeID (fk from tblPhoneTypes, # long int)
PhoneTypeID (fk from tblPhoneTypes, # long int)
ContactID (pk, autonum)
RepresentativeID (fk from tblLenderRepresentatives, # long int)
ClientID (fk from tblClients, # long int)
tblDrawSchedules <Q: Do I enter all criterion imposed by bank here or as it
happens during construction, but I cant get paid till certain construction
criteria are met (can I avoid somehow retyping the criterion for every Lender
when they use a particular schedule? Please see also the tblDrawSteps below,
this Q may be more applicable there??>
DrawScheduleID (pk, autonum)
LenderID (fk from tblLenders, # long int)
tblLendersDrawSchedules - linking table (Lenders/DrawSchedules)
LDScheduleID (pk, autonum)
LenderID fk from tblLenders, # long int)
DrawScheduleID (fk from tblDrawSchedules, # long int)
ContractID (pk, autonum)
ClientID (fk from tblClients, # long int)
SiteID (fk from tblJobSite, # long int)
LDScheduleID (fk from tblLenderDrawSchedule, # long int)
InspectionTypeID (pk, autonum)
InspectionID (pk, autonum)
InspectionTypeID fk from tblInspectionTypes, # long int)
ContractInspectionID (pk, autonum)
ContractID (fk from tblContracts, # long int)
InspectionID (fk from tblInspections, # long int)
DocumentID (pk, autonum)
DocumentName (added other important field name-for explanation later?)
StepID (pk, autonum)
ContractDrawID (pk, autonum)
DrawStepID (pk, autonum)
ContractDrawID (fk from tblContractDraws, # long int)
StepID (fk from tblDrawSteps)
DrawDocumentID (pk, autonum)
ContractDrawID (fk from tblContractDraws, # long int)
DocumentID (fk from tblDrawDocuments, # long int)
When I am entering data to track the payments for a particular client's
house what is the best way for me to be sure that I am entering data for John
Smith's house on 123 Elm Street?
Should I use a look up field everywhere in the child tables that looks up
the clients last name and house number to 'bring in' the related data
<(HOW?)> so that I as the designer and also the end user do not have to
additionally remember that John Smith is autonumber field 147, while his
property on 123 Elm Street is JobSite autonumber 83 and the lender is
autonumber 229 and the first payment or draw is autonumber 71 and what about
remembering the autonumber fields for all property related inspections and
milestone dates and documents that are required to be submitted, etc. etc.
the list goes on and on.
I am paranoid about wasting time entering data if all I can do is have no
choice but to remember a bunch of autonumber fields. (no real primary keys in
any tables...)
I would appreciate some input on how exactly to accomplish relating to
client name and property address instead of autonumber fields and also how is
the best way to set up the draw schedule tracking system (the table structure
has to be so complex due to the number of variables on any given house)
Please help me if you can, I would really like to keep a very cool new job
that I love (how often does that happen?) and need to be able to accurately
track all of the variable and amounts. Please also note specific confusion
issues marked with <Q:> after tlb names above.
Any input even general guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so
much for your time, I enjoy reading the posts, thank you!
have spent alot of time reading books on access and have re-designed my
tables according to good advice of Tina (replied to previous posts). I am
about to start entering data into newly designed tables and how I am going to
be able to "see" related data while entering other data boggles my mind so
fresh into this design. I am hoping for some advice on ways to ease my fears
of hours of wasted time entering 'garbage'.
I am designing a database to track the houses we sell and all that goes
along with the builder receiving payments (called draws) throughout a
construction project, that which is related to how the client pays
(mortgages, etc & all the contacts that go along with that) and also the
selling price and other certain property information, in addition to
insurances and inspections, etc. and also the most difficult and also the
most important thing to track is how the lender pays us for the construction
process (5-7 pyts spread out over time) and each lender can have any one of
many 'payment schedules' that we must adhere to and track % of completion
amount paid to date amount of each payment, etc, etc,...
I have the following tables and will only list table name and primary and
foreign key to save time and space (hope ok)...
ClientID (pk, autonum)
tblClientPhones <Q: is this this where I would enter the # itself, which
PhoneID (pk, autonum)
PhoneTypeID (fk from tblPhones, # long int)
tblPhoneTypes <Q: Would this be where the type of connection fax ph or
mobile, etc.>
PhoneTypeID (pk, autonum)
SiteID (pk, autonum)
tblLenders <Q: Should make a seperate lenders branches tbl to track each
branch that I deal with or keep all in Lenders tbl. Just afraid of dual
entry, etc.>
LenderID (pk, autonum)
tblLenderRepresentatives <Q: I think this is a linking table?>
RepID (pk, autonum)
LenderID (fk from tblLenders, # long int)
RepresentativePhoneID (pk, autonum)
RepresentativeID (fk from tblPhoneTypes, # long int)
PhoneTypeID (fk from tblPhoneTypes, # long int)
ContactID (pk, autonum)
RepresentativeID (fk from tblLenderRepresentatives, # long int)
ClientID (fk from tblClients, # long int)
tblDrawSchedules <Q: Do I enter all criterion imposed by bank here or as it
happens during construction, but I cant get paid till certain construction
criteria are met (can I avoid somehow retyping the criterion for every Lender
when they use a particular schedule? Please see also the tblDrawSteps below,
this Q may be more applicable there??>
DrawScheduleID (pk, autonum)
LenderID (fk from tblLenders, # long int)
tblLendersDrawSchedules - linking table (Lenders/DrawSchedules)
LDScheduleID (pk, autonum)
LenderID fk from tblLenders, # long int)
DrawScheduleID (fk from tblDrawSchedules, # long int)
ContractID (pk, autonum)
ClientID (fk from tblClients, # long int)
SiteID (fk from tblJobSite, # long int)
LDScheduleID (fk from tblLenderDrawSchedule, # long int)
InspectionTypeID (pk, autonum)
InspectionID (pk, autonum)
InspectionTypeID fk from tblInspectionTypes, # long int)
ContractInspectionID (pk, autonum)
ContractID (fk from tblContracts, # long int)
InspectionID (fk from tblInspections, # long int)
DocumentID (pk, autonum)
DocumentName (added other important field name-for explanation later?)
StepID (pk, autonum)
ContractDrawID (pk, autonum)
DrawStepID (pk, autonum)
ContractDrawID (fk from tblContractDraws, # long int)
StepID (fk from tblDrawSteps)
DrawDocumentID (pk, autonum)
ContractDrawID (fk from tblContractDraws, # long int)
DocumentID (fk from tblDrawDocuments, # long int)
When I am entering data to track the payments for a particular client's
house what is the best way for me to be sure that I am entering data for John
Smith's house on 123 Elm Street?
Should I use a look up field everywhere in the child tables that looks up
the clients last name and house number to 'bring in' the related data
<(HOW?)> so that I as the designer and also the end user do not have to
additionally remember that John Smith is autonumber field 147, while his
property on 123 Elm Street is JobSite autonumber 83 and the lender is
autonumber 229 and the first payment or draw is autonumber 71 and what about
remembering the autonumber fields for all property related inspections and
milestone dates and documents that are required to be submitted, etc. etc.
the list goes on and on.
I am paranoid about wasting time entering data if all I can do is have no
choice but to remember a bunch of autonumber fields. (no real primary keys in
any tables...)
I would appreciate some input on how exactly to accomplish relating to
client name and property address instead of autonumber fields and also how is
the best way to set up the draw schedule tracking system (the table structure
has to be so complex due to the number of variables on any given house)
Please help me if you can, I would really like to keep a very cool new job
that I love (how often does that happen?) and need to be able to accurately
track all of the variable and amounts. Please also note specific confusion
issues marked with <Q:> after tlb names above.
Any input even general guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so
much for your time, I enjoy reading the posts, thank you!