my boss is bent on doing it that way. i was unable to
convince him for one table only. he envisions two tables,
with one as master and the other as transaction table with
The "boss" should NEVER see a table datasheet. Ask him: do you want
this done using the principles of relational database design? or do
you want it done WRONG, in a way that requires extra programming,
ensures that there is a risk of having invalid Status and Details
displayed? Or do you want it done so that you see the current status
and the current details on the screen, with confidence that they are
in fact current?
just like a bank system where master file has
account holder details and balance but everyday trans are
recorded in another table and only the balance is updated
in the master as the tran occurs.
Ummm... talk to your bank's IT folks. The balance is almost certainly
calculated on the fly, NOT stored.
But... <sigh>... if you REALLY REALLY have to do it this way put code
in the Subform's AfterInsert event:
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
Parent!txtStatus = Me!txtStatus
Parent!txtDetail = Me!txtDetail
End Sub