I am using a form for data entry, which eventually gets printed for reviews.
The data which I am entering needs to be entered on multiple lines so it is
easily readable. For example: John Smith, Director; Sally Jones, VP; etc.
Each name should be on a separate line. I can use spaces to get them to line
up on the form, but when it prints, they do not line up correctly. What is
the proper way to enter the information onto the form so that it lines up
correctly both when viewing on screen and when it prints?
The data which I am entering needs to be entered on multiple lines so it is
easily readable. For example: John Smith, Director; Sally Jones, VP; etc.
Each name should be on a separate line. I can use spaces to get them to line
up on the form, but when it prints, they do not line up correctly. What is
the proper way to enter the information onto the form so that it lines up
correctly both when viewing on screen and when it prints?