Enter sites in IE Local Intranet Zone

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oleg Ivanov
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Oleg Ivanov


I need to enter sites in IE Local Intranet Zone to avoid IE to prompt users for authentication when they try to access web pages that resides on intranet server.
For example, if I have server SRV1 member server in MYDOMAIN.COM, need to add http://SRV1.MYDOMAIN.COM in Local Intranet Zone list.
How to make this through Group Policy to OU or domain?

Thaks in advance!
Yes you can use Group Policy. Go to user configuration/Windows settings/Internet
Explorer maintenance/security - zones. You may also want to configure Group Policy to
prevent users from changing IE settings. -- Steve

Oleg Ivanov said:

I need to enter sites in IE Local Intranet Zone to avoid IE to prompt users for
authentication when they try to access web pages that resides on intranet server.
For example, if I have server SRV1 member server in MYDOMAIN.COM, need to add
http://SRV1.MYDOMAIN.COM in Local Intranet Zone list.
I though that would work in Windows 2000? I have used it for other web content zones
successfully but never tried the Local Intranet Zone - but the option is there in
Windows 2000 from what I can tell using the advanced tab for that zone. To avoid user
prompt try using " regedit /s regfilename " as a batch file. I am not sure off hand
the best way to make it run one though I suppose you could delete the script from the
list after a few days if you felt all users had it implemented. --- Steve

Oleg Ivanov said:
Yes, but this is applicable only in Windows 2003 Based Domains, we still use Windows 2000 as DCs.

Is there a way to execute a script once only to import settings in registry?
IE settings are corresponding to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet
For example, if I create a subkey MyDomain.com under Domains, and create a DWORD
value in this key, this is all that i need.
When I make .Reg file, and set appropriate settings in GPO to exec this file on
startup or logon, the effect is that users are prompted to confirm importing to
registry by presing OK button on dialog box. Can I avoid this dialog and where to set
to execute only once.