Enter Parameter Value



I am new to Access so this may be a basic question: I have revised fields in my table to display "Unknown" and now am trying to create Queries that inlcude the unknown fields and one that excludes all unknown fields. I have been able to create the first one, though an Enter Parameter Value box appears with the word Unknown. The query that I am trying to exclude all unknown fields as been less successful. Can somebody take a look at the SQL and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
SELECT [Type of Service], [Basis of Fee], [Date], [Name], [Employee Number], [Hours], [Task/Phase], [Phase Number]
FROM [General Payroll]
WHERE [Type of Service]<>Unknown And [Basis of Fee]<>Unknown;

Thank you in advance!

Nikos Yannacopoulos

In your WHERE clause, the word Unknown should be enclosed
in quotes:
WHERE [Type of Service]<> "Unknown" And [Basis of Fee]
<> "Unknown";
so Access understands it is a text string. As it is,
Access takes it for a variable, thus the parameter input
text box.

-----Original Message-----
I am new to Access so this may be a basic question: I
have revised fields in my table to display "Unknown" and
now am trying to create Queries that inlcude the unknown
fields and one that excludes all unknown fields. I have
been able to create the first one, though an Enter
Parameter Value box appears with the word Unknown. The
query that I am trying to exclude all unknown fields as
been less successful. Can somebody take a look at the SQL
and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
SELECT [Type of Service], [Basis of Fee], [Date], [Name],
[Employee Number], [Hours], [Task/Phase], [Phase Number]
FROM [General Payroll]
WHERE [Type of Service]<>Unknown And [Basis of Fee]

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