hi im useing the following code to check the state of a tick box (wich is
set to 2 states)
code start;
Dim closedoff As Variant
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
closedoff = DLookup("[closed/resolved?]", "eventlogs",
On Error GoTo Err_command84_Click
stDocName = "eventclose"
stLinkCriteria = "[Closed/Resolved?]=off" & "" & Me![Closed/Resolved?] &
If (closedoff) = 0 Then GoTo proceed
If IsNull(closedoff) Then GoTo abort 'skip open if marked
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_command84_Click
DoCmd.Close acForm, "eventclose"
MsgBox "There Is No Events To Close or all are Resolved"
Exit Sub
End Sub
code end
i know its not the best way to do things but its the only way i can get my
head around it at the moment
the only problem i get is if the current record is being edited i get a
paramiter box with the title 'off0' ive but an extra bit of code in so when
the form closes it resets the filter to null but i'll still get the 'enter
paramiter' box if the current record is being eddited, the command button
wich executes this code is on the same form as the data entry form (its kind
of like a tool section)
i think its got some thing to do with the stlinkcriteria and the closedoff
parts other than that its working fine
can some one tell me whats wrong with the code
thanks in advance
set to 2 states)
code start;
Dim closedoff As Variant
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
closedoff = DLookup("[closed/resolved?]", "eventlogs",
On Error GoTo Err_command84_Click
stDocName = "eventclose"
stLinkCriteria = "[Closed/Resolved?]=off" & "" & Me![Closed/Resolved?] &
If (closedoff) = 0 Then GoTo proceed
If IsNull(closedoff) Then GoTo abort 'skip open if marked
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_command84_Click
DoCmd.Close acForm, "eventclose"
MsgBox "There Is No Events To Close or all are Resolved"
Exit Sub
End Sub
code end
i know its not the best way to do things but its the only way i can get my
head around it at the moment
the only problem i get is if the current record is being edited i get a
paramiter box with the title 'off0' ive but an extra bit of code in so when
the form closes it resets the filter to null but i'll still get the 'enter
paramiter' box if the current record is being eddited, the command button
wich executes this code is on the same form as the data entry form (its kind
of like a tool section)
i think its got some thing to do with the stlinkcriteria and the closedoff
parts other than that its working fine
can some one tell me whats wrong with the code
thanks in advance