Enter keys stop functioning



I have read through a couple of forums and there seem to
be other people that are having this problem also.
Intermittently, my enter keys will stop functioning. All
of the other keys on my keyboard are fine and a reboot
will resolve the problem. I would like to know if there
is a fix for this problem and/or if anyone knows what is
causing this. It started happening towards the end of
Feb. 2004. Thanks...


Cause is not known as yet. But, some have gone through the process of
elimination and cured the problem.
They have run msconfig and in the startup, shutdown a few items at a time
until the offending program was found.

Ramesh [MVP]


HP and Compaq PCs - ENTER Key on Keyboard Does not Work - c00064020 - HP Business Support Center:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

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I have read through a couple of forums and there seem to
be other people that are having this problem also.
Intermittently, my enter keys will stop functioning. All
of the other keys on my keyboard are fine and a reboot
will resolve the problem. I would like to know if there
is a fix for this problem and/or if anyone knows what is
causing this. It started happening towards the end of
Feb. 2004. Thanks...

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