Enter key not working



I have had multiple calls from users with XP machines that
indicate their ENTER key on their keyboard stopped
working. They swaped out the hardware, thinking this was
the issue and it wasn't. They would reboot multiple times
and finally it would start working again.

I found one group that indicated it is possible that after
running Windows update the ENTER key wouldn't work. Is
there any truth to that?

Is there something else that could be causing this? It is
not particular to one application.


C said:
I have had multiple calls from users with XP machines that
indicate their ENTER key on their keyboard stopped
working. They swaped out the hardware, thinking this was
the issue and it wasn't. They would reboot multiple times
and finally it would start working again.

I found one group that indicated it is possible that after
running Windows update the ENTER key wouldn't work. Is
there any truth to that?

Is there something else that could be causing this? It is
not particular to one application.

If you do a search of these newsgroups, you'll see that this is an issue
that has been going on for several weeks. Unfortunately, although
investigation is under way, there haven't been any definitive answers.
Some people feel a Windows Update has been the culprit; others have
scanned their systems for spyware and after removal of same have had
the problem resolved. I personally haven't seen the problem, either on
my fully patched XP box or on any clients' boxen, so I would hesitate
to suggest removing any operating system updates. Certainly I'd go for
the spyware removal first. I use Spybot Search & Destroy from
www.security.kolla.de and Ad-aware from www.lavasoftusa.com. Be sure to
update these programs before running them. It is best to run antivirus
and spyware removal tools in Safe Mode.

Since you have more than one computer with this problem, if you find a
common factor and/or solution, please post back.




I got the same problem, but I think I solved it.
I deleted a program called Windowsearch out of the "my software" list.
And my enter key works back.

Hope this will help for you all.
Let me know something.


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