Enter Key not working!



My stupid enter key is not working in all programs!! It
won't let me do anything and its driving me nuts, can
anyone help me?


Clean the keyboard. If that doesn't work try another one or replace the
broken one.


Kristian said:
My stupid enter key is not working in all programs!! It
won't let me do anything and its driving me nuts, can
anyone help me?

Does it also not work if you try a different stupid keyboard?


purplehaz said:
Clean the keyboard. If that doesn't work try another one or replace
the broken one.

Cleaning the keyboard is a good idea, but this problem has been popping
up in the newsgroup for at least a few weeks. There hasn't been an
absolutely definitive answer, but a lot of people have had the problem
solved by scanning for, and removing, spyware. So Kristian, download
and install the free programs Spybot Search & Destroy from
www.security.kolla.de and Ad-aware from www.lavasoftusa.com. Be sure to
update these programs before running them, and run them both since they
complement each other. It is best to run antivirus and spyware removal
tools in Safe Mode.



Malke said:
Cleaning the keyboard is a good idea, but this problem has been
popping up in the newsgroup for at least a few weeks. There hasn't
been an absolutely definitive answer, but a lot of people have had
the problem solved by scanning for, and removing, spyware. So
Kristian, download and install the free programs Spybot Search &
Destroy from www.security.kolla.de and Ad-aware from
www.lavasoftusa.com. Be sure to update these programs before running
them, and run them both since they complement each other. It is best
to run antivirus and spyware removal tools in Safe Mode.


Interesting.... thanks for the info. Spyware now disables the enter key....
what will they think of next.

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Malke,

I've posted this issue in Windows XP private group and yet to hear the response. [Jason Tsang replied to that already].

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Clean the keyboard. If that doesn't work try another one or replace
the broken one.

Cleaning the keyboard is a good idea, but this problem has been popping
up in the newsgroup for at least a few weeks. There hasn't been an
absolutely definitive answer, but a lot of people have had the problem
solved by scanning for, and removing, spyware. So Kristian, download
and install the free programs Spybot Search & Destroy from
www.security.kolla.de and Ad-aware from www.lavasoftusa.com. Be sure to
update these programs before running them, and run them both since they
complement each other. It is best to run antivirus and spyware removal
tools in Safe Mode.


Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Kelly,

Any idea if this is caused by MS04-007 patch? Seen a few issues in our helpdesk here.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Very common issue as of late, Kristian. In researching this issue, if you

Download the Startup Tracker from here:

And Belarc: http://www.belarc.com/Download.html

Once done send both the logfile and htm to me via e-mail.

All the Best,

Microsoft-MVP Windows® XP

In memory of Robert McGregor (aka Koldbear)

Troubleshooting Windows XP


Hi Ramesh,

Could very well be. Haven't found any common glue as of yet, because no one
has submitted the proper info needed to find out. :blush:(

Hi Kelly,

Any idea if this is caused by MS04-007 patch? Seen a few issues in our
helpdesk here.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Very common issue as of late, Kristian. In researching this issue, if you

Download the Startup Tracker from here:

And Belarc: http://www.belarc.com/Download.html

Once done send both the logfile and htm to me via e-mail.


Ramesh, how would I know if i had the MS04-007 patch? I have had this problem for weeks and today I did a Windows Update and had to install 11 patches. So, if MS04-007 was in the last 11, then that is not the issue because I was having the problem before I ran the update. Just letting you know that in case it helps you to diagnose the problem. I haven't had the problem yet today. (P.S. I am the author of the "Enter key malfunction" issue logged yesterday. You and Kelly are great, and I appreciate your help.)

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