On said:
I know the enter key's next cell advance behavior can be addressed in workbook options, but how would I adjust it on a sheet by sheet basis?
On sheet entry I would like to do two things, record the current enter key configuration and then change it to, for example, advance down columns.
On sheet exit, I would like to return the key to its original state.
Thank you
My inclination is to store sheet-specific behavior in a local scope
defined name that code can read/evaluate as to which direction (if any)
to move.
Normally, I would store default MoveAfterReturn and
MoveAfterReturnDirection in global variables so I can restore these when
my workbook deactivates.
So in the code window behind ThisWorkbook...
Option Explicit
Dim glDirMove As XlDirection, gbDirMove As Boolean
Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Dim sDir$
'Store default settings
With Application
gbDirMove = .MoveAfterReturn
glDirMove = .MoveAfterReturnDirection
End With 'Application
On Error Resume Next '//if name doesn't exist
sDir = Mid(ActiveSheet.Names("uiDirMove").RefersTo, 2)
If sDir <> "" Then SetEnterKeyBehavior sDir
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
On Error Resume Next '//if globals lost values
With Application
.MoveAfterReturnDirection = glDirMove
.MoveAfterReturn = gbDirMove
End With 'Application
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim sDir$
On Error Resume Next '//if name doesn't exist
sDir = Mid(Sh.Names("uiDirMove").RefersTo, 2)
If sDir <> "" Then SetEnterKeyBehavior sDir
End Sub
In a standard module...
Option Explicit
Sub SetEnterKeyBehavior(sDir$)
With Application
If sDir = "none" Then .MoveAfterReturn = False: Exit Sub
.MoveAfterReturn = True
Select Case sDir
Case "dn": .MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown
Case "up": .MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlUp
Case "lt": .MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToLeft
Case "rt": .MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight
End Select
End With 'Application
End Sub
...where the local scope defined name "uiDirMove" RefersTo is entered as
one of the following direction codes...
...and the "ui" prefix denotes a User Interface setting!
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