


I have read messages from the self appointed software
experts about how great this program is.I have read many
more messages from people that have real issues and
serious problems.I have read messages from knowing people
trying to help restore systems.Come on Bill pull the plug
on this crap until you get it right!!!!!!!!

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Dizzy said:
I have read messages from the self appointed software
experts about how great this program is.I have read many
more messages from people that have real issues and
serious problems.I have read messages from knowing people
trying to help restore systems.Come on Bill pull the plug
on this crap until you get it right!!!!!!!!

Come on, Dizzy, it's beta software. Of course there are problems.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Mike T

It's Called BETA. The whole point of Beta software is to work the bugs out
of. For some of us, the software works like it is supposed to, for others
it doesn't. As MS fixes these problems, hopefully they will not cause new
problems for the people who aren't having problems. but this is the fun of
Beta Testing software.

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