Enigma, Curio, Poser.........

  • Thread starter Thread starter jane
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for riddlers and fiddlers of comps and software peculiarities.

I run win98. I have three partitions, C, D, & E.
A few days ago, I put XP on a partion, one that had been formatted
and used to have "Cad" on it.

Tonight, I put Cad back, but I did it using win98 and also made
a folder within Cdrive called 'cad' to put it in.
Installed, followed all prompts, no problem i say to myself.
I now find that Cad went into XP as well as Win98. (dual boot)
Thing is, it placed itself on XP within Programs, yet in Win98, it
didnt place itself anywhere. (even though it placed a Cad icon on
the desktop).

Okay, that and other peculiarities are one part of the deal, there are
other parts.

I fired up Cad from XP and it looks just like a Vanilla Instal,,,, no
'preferance' menus or anything. (which is how it should be, instal
was from CD in case i forgot to mention)
(XP has Cad in Programs, so it isnt being accessed from Win98)
I switched back to Win98 and called Cad;;
It opened fine, in fact, it Opened just as it normally would with all
of my old preferances and custom menus & custom made icons
leading to "macros and .lisps" written by me.

How can this be when the Cad program was Installed from DISK?
There are no references to this program located on this computer
since I have installed XP as another o/s a few days ago.
Yes, it does have FAT32 and marries nicely with Win98, but neither
of these factors come into play regarding the instal of a program
like 'cad' that is installed cleanly from a cd onto a system it doesnt
recognise at all.
How the **&((^ did it instal itself in two different mannerisms
as well?
It placed itself on xp as Vanilla and beyond, ....... it Didnt place
itself on Win98 at all yet left a Shortcut icon on 98's d/top.
It is a Vanilla (un-tampered with) version of the program that xp sees, Yet
Win98 sees not only the Cad program, but also some of
my pre-written personal customised "buttons, .lsps, & macros".......
How could this be so?
Yes, I do have a lot of my menus and preferences and macros on
a disk that I saved ready to put back when I re-installed Cad, BUT,
I havent yet done that.

do do do do do doooooooo (is that how you write the music for x
files theme?)


Curious indeed....I would speculate that:

- the old entries in the Win98 installation had it on the drive now housing
WinXP, and when you reinstalled it referred back to that old location
(meaning the uninstall routine left stuff behind, which also accounts for
why Win98 still has the old preferences, but WinXP does not).

- when you initially ran it in WinXP, it was missing support files, but
picked these up from the visible Win98 installation and self-configured.
Some program installers are capable of this, it aids in configuring under
multiple user profiles.

- setup may have installed some parts to the \program files\cad entry under
the WinXP installation as that would be a valid destination.

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a
as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle-ground
light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the
pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of
imagination. It is an area we call the "Twilight Zone"."

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a
as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle-ground
light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the
pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of
imagination. It is an area we call the "Twilight Zone"."

Thanks Rick,
I just re-read what I posted and it sort of sounded like jibberish to me,
but somehow you managed to pick up on exactly what I was saying.

Yup, I reckon too that the twilight zone may have been accessed........
either that or the truth.
(you are right about mans Fears and his Knowledge being at odds with
each other,,,, one leads to one place, and the other to another place;;
but 'knowing' itself out-weighs Knowledge)

Anyhow, I will put my mystique down to computer weirdness, seems to
fit as anything man creates is always full of bugs.
