English to Spanish

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I need to type a letter in english but it to appear on
monitor and print in SPANISH. Can this be done in MSWord
using Mircrosoft 2000?
This is mostly an Office question, and should be asked in an Office forum.
Clarify your question, and post a clear question in the appropriate forum.

If you mean that you want to be able to type special / non-English
characters like ñ and ¿ and ¡, then you can look at the locale settings in
the Control Panel applet Regional Options. If you want the workstation to
translate the letter for you, there is machine translation software. If you
mean you want it to translate it from English to Spanish as you type, then
no. But once you have a typed document, Word 2003 does offer an interface to
web-based translation on http://www.worldlingo.com.