Not that I know of. The month names appear as they do to agree with your
operating system settings. You could probably write a VBA function to
translate the month names for you. A really simple one might look like this
Public Function fSpanishDates(DateIn)
If isDate(DateIN) = False then
fSpanishDates = Null ' Or whatever you want to pass back
DateIn = CDate(DateIN)
Select Case Month(DateIN)
Case 1 'January
fSpanishDate = Replace(Format(DateIn,"mmmm d, yyyy"),"January","enero")
Case 2 'february
fSpanishDate = Replace(Format(DateIn,"mmmm d, yyyy"),"February","febrero")
Case 12
end select
End if
End Function
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County