Engel ?

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Hello Tim,

Thanks for the heads up.

In a few, I'll post it.

Let my tell you, I have a AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 4,200+, 1 MB
Ram, with a Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE card, and Windows Vista Home Premium. And
you don't know what is the funny part. somebody send the PC to me FREE.

So, yesterday after my R&R after surgery, in a hosptal simlar to the Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, here is call Rancho los Amigos (but is for
civilians), The UPS, delivery the box, with intruccions to eraise the origin
address. So I dont have any idea who is or are the sender (s).

Glue it to the box, was a letter, what sais is for appreciacion for the help
given in these NG. I know Bill Gates don't have my address, so, maybe you
send it? ;-)

Now I have to figure out how to work with Vista, so, this learning is going
to take time, I hope to provide the right info.

I think by now, the UpgѪde is ready.

I repit, the info is for WD Vista, so be careful with the URL. I don't know
if make any difference.


Engel said:
Hello Tim,

Thanks for the heads up.

In a few, I'll post it.

I think by now, the Upg?ªde is ready.

I repit, the info is for WD Vista, so be careful with the URL. I don't know
if make any difference.

For XP it's both an engine and definition update:
Windows Defender Version: 1.1.1593.0
Engine Version: 1.1.2405.0
Definition Version: 1.17.2437.5

Bob Vanderveen

Good to see you are okay.
We missed you.

Yes you are right about the "UpgѪde", today is a Full Engine update so the
default MPAS-FE link should do it, but I'd like it if you made the official
versions announcement!

Sorry to hear that you now have to use Vista ;-)
It must really suck with that 1MB of Ram ;-)

Someone out there must really like you ?:-)

Again good to have you back, I feel like singing ?;-)

In fact ...why not.

Who hereby abdicates

Remember, "A caballo regalado, no se le mira el colmillo".

More RAM and others extras, maybe next time. But so far I'm content with the

Maybe Mr. VªndeÑveen and Dªve M oÑ any other person can cover for a few
weeks the posting until In get familiar. Maybe Bill S can give a an example
how to post with Vista

Any way, I bet somebody is going to show me.

Have a good one.

I don't know how to translate what you said, but I was joking anyway.
You can't have 1"MB" of Ram on a Vista Machine.
I am assuming you mistyped and meant 1 "GB" of Ram. ?:-)

Anyway I will do the post for tonight so don't have to worry about it.

All the best friend,
Excellent news, Engel! You seem to be in excellent hands, and I hope that
learning about Vista won't exhaust you and slow your recovery.

I haven't tested to see whether the Vista updates are the same or different
from the updates on XP. I think you are running 32-bit Vista, because I
don't think there is a 64-bit version of Vista Home, so we are OK on the 32
bit versus 64 bit differences.

I'll take a look at the first URL you post--I can connect to some machines
running Defender at the moment--and see whether it is the same as I see on
XP or Windows Server 2003. Maybe others could check as well.

Welcome back, and thanks for the excellent news.

You should be able to hit the web forums the same as with XP--just go to the
URL in IE. I'm reasonably sure that I've done that.

I don't think I've ever done NNTP in Vista--hmm--maybe I have. It would be
in Windows Mail--you'll need the configuration information from the web page


You could look at the video at that link about how to use newsgroups--but
I'm pretty sure it predates Vista.

I left my Vista machine in the office today, and it'll be there until
Monday, I'm afraid, but feel free to ask questions--private email is fine.

Hi Engel.

Now that Tim has established you are the `real` Engel let me say .. "Welcome
back" and that you have been sadly missed. I sincerely hope your surgery has
achieved the purpose for which it was intended, not too invasive and that you
will be enjoying a speedy recovery while exploring the delights of Vista,
your newly acquired and anonimously sent computer. Who knows? It may well
have been Bill G! He has proved himself to be a very charitable guy on the
world front ;)

Kind regards

Hello Bob,

<snipped the great news>
Better than the great news, is been round you guys.

Thanks again

Hi Bill,

Thank you


Bill Sanderson MVP said:
Excellent news, Engel! You seem to be in excellent hands, and I hope that
learning about Vista won't exhaust you and slow your recovery.

I haven't tested to see whether the Vista updates are the same or different
from the updates on XP. I think you are running 32-bit Vista, because I
don't think there is a 64-bit version of Vista Home, so we are OK on the 32
bit versus 64 bit differences.

I'll take a look at the first URL you post--I can connect to some machines
running Defender at the moment--and see whether it is the same as I see on
XP or Windows Server 2003. Maybe others could check as well.

Welcome back, and thanks for the excellent news.
Hi Stu,

Sorry, this explain:

I have the Transponder in "Mode 3A" mode, squawking (7600) and ident, the
longer I don't squawk (7500) or (7700) (0000 in the UK), everything is OK.
Copy? ;-)

Maybe was not Bill G! Maybe is from Steve Ballmer ;-)

Thank you

Hello JJ,

Thank you.

This fun is cost me money, all ready I have to order the recover disks
($30.00), only because when a try to do a backup, the pc put the info in the
partition for recovery, and the space was small, so I was unable to delete
the information and the space was full 6.26 gb. I try a RP, but no dice, so
final, I delete the content of the partion, expecting the system rebuild the
missing information., but I was able to delete all but the PC don't rebuildit.

Any way, sometimes the learning cost ;-(

I hope you and you husband and family have a dood Easter Sunday.


Isn't that always the way it goes. LOL I know hubby had my nephew add
another drive to his computer, as he wanted more space etc., and oh yes, even
if family does it, parts cost. Oh well, think of all the fun you will have
once it is finished.

Hope your recovery is going along fine, and your Bunny picture is quite
adoreable. Now I will have to play around and see if I can do it. LOL I know
a few of the codes for some pix, but that is really soooo cute. Oh the joys
of learning new things.

Take care, and don't get too frustrated....:-)
Hi JJ,

I don't learn this one, I copy from CID a user in other NG

( /
(() //)
| \\ ,,;;'\
__ _( )m=(((((((((((((================--------
/' ' '()/~' '.(, |
,;( )|| | ~
,;' \ /-(.;, )
) / ) /
// CID ||
)_\ )_\

Have fun ;-)

Oh ok, your definitely way up on me. I know a few codes, but nothing like
that. Enjoy your holiday, and have fun!!!!...:-)