E4M is freeware, i think ScramDisk is not, however. Don't know for others.
But E4M works in XP (so i've read)
I think offiical site for the two is http://www.samsimpson.com/cryptography/scramdisk/
ScramDisk v3.01r3c is the last freeware version
of ScramDisk. ScramDisk works on Win 95/98/ME.
E4M 2.02a is the last freeware version. E4M works
on Win9x/NT/W2k/XP
After ScramDisk v3.01r3c and E4M v2.02a they
become shareware and changed name to DriveCrypt.
DriveCrypt works on Win9x/ME/NT/2K/XP.
(ScramDisk + E4M = DriveCrypt)
Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed) http://www.algonet.se/~hubbabub/
ICQ : 1351964
In God we trust.
Everybody else we verify using PGP!