Could someone explain what the encrypt/decript menu item
does in Access. Does it encrypt table data so someone
opening the encrypted database with Access would not be
able to read the data unless they had Admin privledges...
or does it have no affect on someone opening the database
with Access. I looks like it only works for someone trying
to read the .mdb with a text processor... is this true. Is
there any way to encrypt the table data. I know very
little about encryption so any info would be appreciated.
does in Access. Does it encrypt table data so someone
opening the encrypted database with Access would not be
able to read the data unless they had Admin privledges...
or does it have no affect on someone opening the database
with Access. I looks like it only works for someone trying
to read the .mdb with a text processor... is this true. Is
there any way to encrypt the table data. I know very
little about encryption so any info would be appreciated.