Ant said:
Several; most or all of which should be now patched. You're taking
a big risk following these kind of links with IE, or even any
other standard browser. You should use wget or some other utility
to fetch the raw unrendered page.
According to Symantec's writeup for Trojan.Peacomm:
They say this:
"Once loaded the device driver searches for the services.exe process
and injects a module into it."
But they also say this:
"Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me,
Windows NT, Windows XP"
But win-9x does not have services.exe, so it's not clear to me why 9x
and ME are lumpted into the list of vulnerable OS's.
According the the description for Trojan.Peacomm.C:
They say this:
"... It then attempts to infect the following legitimate Windows
driver with a copy of Trojan.Peacomm!inf:
Again, win-9x systems (and probably Me as well) do not have the file
There is mention that the web-exploit takes advantage of a windows
media player vulnerability, but I can't find many instances where the
particular WMP vulnerability is given.
One reference says this:
There are no attachments to this email; instead the creators have
opted for the link approach. If you should follow the link in the
email, the resulting page served up may contain an old and patched
exploit for the Windows Media Player BID 16644. Successful
exploitation may cause the file to be downloaded and executed. Just in
case the exploit does not work as intended they have also provided a
link that goes to a file named "APPLET.EXE" so you can do it yourself.
BID 16644 is linked to this:
Microsoft Windows Media Player Plugin Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Bugtraq ID: 16644
Class: Boundary Condition Error
CVE: CVE-2006-0005
Remote: Yes
Published: Feb 14 2006 12:00AM
Updated: May 15 2007 08:48PM
Note these:
Secunia has this:
Basically, win-9x is not listed as affected by this vulnerability.
Does anyone know if the exploit vector being hosted on the various
sites in this thread are using something other than the
above-mentioned WMP vulnerability?