encountered problem close form design

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I spoke too soon. I have decompiled as instructed through the dos command
given and Recompiled. Removed any unnecesary references, auto name traking
is off. Also created new blank database and copied forms, reports and
re-linked tables. Have dis-connected from server and using local machine. No
other users are using the back- end database. Any more suggestions.
Okay, Mike, you've followed through the basic steps, and the problem
persists. The following suggestions are much broader, but hopefully will
help pin things down.

1. The crash happens only with this one form?

2. It has no subforms?

3. What is the RecordSource? If a query, post the SQL of the query.
There are cases where JET will crash if the SQL statement contains a
subquery, and I don't know of any solution to that issue.

4. Are you able to save the form to a text file, using the undocumented:
SaveAsText acForm, "Form1", "C:\Form1.txt"
If so, then delete the form, compact the database, and import it back in
LoadFromText acForm, "Form1", "C:\Form1.txt"

5. Let us know what version of Access this is. Locate the msaccess.exe file
on your hard disk, typically in:
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office
Right-click and choose Properties
On the Version tab what is the number?

6. Also locate msjet40.dll, typically in windows\system32.
What is on the Version tab here?

7. When the crash occurs, ask for details. Is the crash happening in
msaccess.exe, or in some other module?

8. At what point is the crash occurring? When you attempt to open the form
in design view? When you switch to Form view out of design view after
modifying something? Other?

9. To try to reduce the number of interacting factors, deselect any
libraries you don't need. From any code window, choose References on the
Tools menu. For a list of what libraries you need for each version of
Access, see:
What libraries do you have left?
1 No it happens with other forms as well
2 There is no subform
3 SELECT tblOrderDet.OrdJobRef, tblOrderDet.CoID, tblOrderDet.OrderQuantity, tblDelivs.AddID, tblDelivs.JobNo, tblDelivs.QuantReq, tblDelivs.QuantPerBox, tblDelivs.QuantDel, tblDelivs.DelivType, tblDelivs.DelDate
FROM tblOrderDet INNER JOIN tblDelivs ON tblOrderDet.JobNumber =
4 Don't know how to do this sorry
5 Access version 11.0.63550
6 Jet version is 5.1.2600.2180
7 crash is in access
8 crash occurs when switching from design view to normal view after. Have just noticed that it doesn't happen on the first time but always on the second after a restart of access. Happens if nothing changed on the form.

9. Have taken all references apart from Access 11.0 object library and Visual Basic For Applications off and re-compiled but still have problem.

Appreciate your time thank you Mike
So, you are experiencing the crash:
- of msaccess.exe 11.0.6355.0,
- on several forms (all forms?),
- on switching form Design view to Form view,
- only the 2nd time you open the form.

For testing, it would be good to remove any code that runs when the form
loads. That includes any code you have in the form's Open event, Load event,
Current event, Activate event, Timer event, etc.

I'm inclined to believe there is still a corruption in this database. Try
opening Northwind sample database. If you do not experience the crashes
there, we will assume a corrupt mdb.

Your original post says you "recompiled". Did you decompile? (i.e. using the
/Decompile command line switch)? If not, I will post an explanation for you.

The SaveAsText is an undocumented command. Open the Immediate Window
(Ctrl+G) and enter the command as suggested. Just substitute the name of
your form for "Form1:
SaveAsText acForm, "Form1", "C:\Form1.txt"
If it fails, the form is probably irretrievably corrupted. If it succeeds,
you will find the text file in the folder you specified. Delete the form
from the database. Compact. Then recreate the form by entering this in the
Immediate Window:
LoadFromText acForm, "Form1", "C:\Form1.txt"

Re your specific replies:
#1. Darn. If there is no consistency with where the crashes occur, it makes
it harder to trace.

#2 & 3 So subforms are not a factor.
Recordsource is not a factor. (Simple inner join is fine.)

#5 & 6. That's Access 2003 SP1, so it's up to date.
The JET version is not correct (looks like a Windows version), but I think
your JET will be fine anyway, as SP1 for Office 2003 installs SP8 for JET 4

#7 So msaccess.exe is faulting (not gdi or some other module).

#8 Covered above.

#9 Good. Simplifying is part of reducing down to pinpoint the problem.
Apologies - the form does have a subform and when removed the crash does not
happen. The link to the master form and sub form is present on the forms. I
have taken out the subform and saved and put it back and the problem returns.
Any ideas. Mike
There is a subform? Then the crash could be related to a flaw that I believe
is in the AccessField data type.

If the LinkChildFields property of the subform control refers to a field
that is NOT represented by a text box on the subform, try this sequence:
1. Remove the subform.
2. Save the form.
3. Compact the databsae.
4. Open the subform in design view.
5. Add a text box for the field you need to use in the LinkChildFields
property. (Add a text box for each field if there are multiple fields in
this property.)
6. Save and close the subform.
7. Open the main form in design view, and add the subform again.