Encoding of Turkish Characters in URL ...

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Whether encoding of Turkish character is different in Mozilla and IE. We
will be giving Turkish characters as input in the URL to my application.When
I give Turkish characters in the URL, the some of the characters gets
changed to '?' . But in mozilla I am able to see all the charcaters.
Even in IE also, only few charcaters gets replaced by '?'. For example,
Turkish Character in URL : öçsigüÖÇSIGÜ
Get's replaced as : 'öç???üÖÇ???Ü'

Whether somebody has faced this issue.? Because we are using IE only. So can
anybody help me in this issue?.

Hi Maviswa :-)

Try the following and see if it might help:

How To Add and Enable Additional Languages in Windows
to change Language in IE

and more information here:
Setting up Windows Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 and 6 for Multilingual and
Unicode Support


Tools/Internet Options/ General Tab> at the bottom there is a button for
Languages. Look in the window for the language you want, highlight it and
then click Change. Then close out. Close and reopen IE and the new language
should now be the default language.

If the language you want in not in the window list, click the Add button and
scroll to the language you want, highlight it and then click OK, then
highlight the new language and click on Change. Close out.

Then check the View>Encoding and see if the Turkish you want is in the list,
you may have to look under More....


Courtesy of Viktor Krammer - MS MVP

While the language bar controls the active keyboard layout, the language
setting in IE controls the prefered language on websites. Some webservers
(like micosoft.com) take this setting into account and display the content
in the user's (prefered) language.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
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