enabling business contact manager

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When i first installed outlook 2 years ago I included BCMgr but didn't enable
it and haven't had needed to use it. I now do. Today I went through
Help/About Outlook and enabled BCMgr, restarted outlook but nothing appears.
There is no toolbar, etc.
how do I get BCMgr started so I can use it. How do I make it appear.
thanks for all help
Hi Karen,

well, then the BCM add-in is activated, the next step is to add the BCM
service to your Outlook profile via menu FILE - DATA-FILE-MANAGEMENT. Click
ADD and add a 'Business Contact Manager Database' to your profile. That's

Hope it helps

C l a u s S c h i r o k y
Support Specialist
Customer Service & Support
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Thanks Claus, when I do that I get the screen to create or select an existing
database. I tried to create and got the message that it can't create.
Any ideas?

Claus, I've just gone back into outlook and the Business Contacts folder has
appeared but if i try to go into it the message 'The set of folders could not
be opened. The server is not available. Contact your administrator if this
condition persists"
Not sure what this is about, when I couldn't load the database before.


well, you cannot create a database with that way. You have to select the
existing one on the remote server. Therefore you have to create the database
with the admin tool on the server. To select the database use this synthax:

<remote server name>\<sql instance name>,5356

<remote server name> is the name of your server where you installed SQL
Express and were you create a BCM database with the BCM admin tool. And you
have to set the permissions and the sharing functionality with that tool, to
ensure firewall settings will set correctly.

<sql instance name> is the name of the SQL instance you have created. It
should be the BCM needed default 'MSSMLBIZ'. Don't use the default SQL one

5356 - and this is the default sql port number to connect to the database.


C l a u s S c h i r o k y
Support Specialist
Customer Service & Support
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

try to ensure database connection first before starting troubleshooting
other problems.
Create a shortcut on your client machine desktop and give him the name
'BCM.UDL'. Now double click on this shourtcut and follow the wizzard to
create a sql server connection to your server. It his is working - then BCM
has to work to. If this is not working - then we're out with BCM, then you
have a network or a sql problem.

Additional information:

How to troubleshoot a shared database in Outlook with Business Contact
Manager Update

Well, this information is for BCM 2003 - but it's still valid for BCM 2007


C l a u s S c h i r o k y
Support Specialist
Customer Service & Support
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Claus, PMFJI but you seem to beknowledgeable on this area.
well, you cannot create a database with that way. You have to select the
existing one on the remote server. Therefore you have to create the database
with the admin tool on the server. To select the database use this synthax:

<remote server name>\<sql instance name>,5356

Outlook 2007 BCM trial edition.

I already have the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition SP2 on my machine,
which works perfectly. I downloaded the new BCM database admin tool and
created a database in out. The message at the end told me I would have to
connect to it as you show above, except changing the Port to 1433.

I tried and tried to get this to work, but BCM would not connect to it. It
will, however, see other Express installations on my network, even though
these have the SQLExpress default instance name.

Should it work with the Dev edition, and if not, why? I am now wasting
resources running two different instances of SQL Server on my PC.

TIA, Kevin
Hi Claus
I am very lost!
I'm trying to use BCM on my personal laptop for my use, so you've confused
me about remote servers etc.
Everytime I go into Outlook now I get an error message that BCM can't start
and it takes me to the screen where I can create a new database or select an
existing one but rejects regardless of what i choose.
Sorry to be needing fairly basic guidance with this, I'm good at getting
around most programs using the toolbars etc, just know very little about what
happens in the background.

Thanks for all your help, its much appreciated. Karen.
Hello Claus,

I am fighting with a similar problem on SBS2003 server. Why did you write
not to use SQLExpress instance? Should I reinstall SQLExpress with this
MSSMLBIZ instance name? Is this a burned-in parameter in Admin Tool?
Hello Everybody,

I found the reasons for my problem and I thought it would be useful to
everybody trying to place BCM database to a server. The BCM database admin
tool works only with English Outlook w/ BCM. Localised versions are not

What is very annoying that I found this info only on a blogger site, not
with the official Microsoft download. Thanks, Microsoft!

All the best for everybody

well, this is based on the SQL functionality. This is because every single
language uses different number formats and so on. But there's a solution

SQL stores a so called LocaleID into the database. And the default - because
of the English BCM database tool is English - is set to 'en-US'. If you want
to access your BCM database with a German client for example, you have to
change this LocaleID in the database to 'de-DE'. Upper case and lower case
is important here. For French you use 'fr-FR' and so on for every single

Where to change this LocaleID? Install SQL Management Studio Express and
open the table 'dbo.OrgTable' and search for the 'LocaleID'. Change to the
language you want to use.


C l a u s S c h i r o k y
Support Specialist
Customer Service & Support
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

well, SQL Express because BCM 2007 only works with SQL 2005, which is SQL
Express. And you have to run setup again to create a new instance. And the
instance name should be MSSMLBIZ because the BCM add-in has some hardcoded


C l a u s S c h i r o k y
Support Specialist
Customer Service & Support
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH