Enable Macros

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon C
  • Start date Start date

Gordon C


I've written this great spreadsheet but I don't want users
to ask if they need to enable macros or not when they
start excel. How can I get around this so that my macros
run. I know there are security issues here but I'm the
boss and I'm writing this for my my business...Is there
any code that can do this for me?

Hi Gordon
Though I won't do this for security reasons you can change the security
level to 'Low' (goto Tools- Macro - Security)
If I understand you correctly, you want to send this, or give this, file
to other people for them to access on their computers and you don't want
them to run into the "Enable Macros" question. Is that correct?
If that is correct, there is only one way to do this. You must have
each of them reduce the security level on their machine. There is no way
for you to code something in your spreadsheet that will change their
security level. It wouldn't make much sense to have a security level if a
macro can change it.
Also, you must be aware that the security level is a global setting and
is not file-peculiar. Once they change their security level to "Low" for
your file, that setting stays in their Excel for every file until they
change it back. HTH Otto
Frank, would it be possible for Gordon C to self-certify and sign his macros
digitally, and then ask his staff to always trust macros from him?