I have two text boxes [first time] and [second time]
Everytime a new record is added I disable [second time]
Now, how can I code [first time] to enable [second time] after the user
enters a valid time? Note, if the user skips or leaves [first time] blank, it
should enable [second time].
I have this in (afterupdate) in the [first time]:
me.[second time].enable
But, if this [first time] is empty, it still enables [second time] I want to
avoid this and make sure there is a valid time entered first. Thanks
Everytime a new record is added I disable [second time]
Now, how can I code [first time] to enable [second time] after the user
enters a valid time? Note, if the user skips or leaves [first time] blank, it
should enable [second time].
I have this in (afterupdate) in the [first time]:
me.[second time].enable
But, if this [first time] is empty, it still enables [second time] I want to
avoid this and make sure there is a valid time entered first. Thanks