I have a tabular form with a tick box and button for each record. I want the tick box to enable/disable the button. Right now when ANY record's tick box is checked/unchecked ALL the buttons enable/disable.... how do I make it so each button responds to it's own record's tick box?
Dim boolBaked As Boolean
boolBaked = Me!Baked
If (boolBaked = True) Then
Me!btnEditBakeDetails.Enabled = True
End If
If (boolBaked = False) Then
Me!btnEditBakeDetails.Enabled = False
End If
Dim boolBaked As Boolean
boolBaked = Me!Baked
If (boolBaked = True) Then
Me!btnEditBakeDetails.Enabled = True
End If
If (boolBaked = False) Then
Me!btnEditBakeDetails.Enabled = False
End If