Enable Active Content?



I'm really sick of the so-called Information Bar that prevents me from
testing pages that use JavaScript. What a drag.
I've tried using Tools > Options to enable all scripting but IE6 continues
to function the way it wants. Is there any other way to whack this obtrusive
feature? It does not occur when I use IE6 to load pages over the web. Only
on my local machine when testing pages I build.

<%= Clinton Gallagher

Frank Saunders, MS_MVP OE

clintonG said:
I'm really sick of the so-called Information Bar that prevents me from
testing pages that use JavaScript. What a drag.
I've tried using Tools > Options to enable all scripting but IE6 continues
to function the way it wants. Is there any other way to whack this
obtrusive feature? It does not occur when I use IE6 to load pages over the
web. Only on my local machine when testing pages I build.

<%= Clinton Gallagher

Tools | Internet Options | Advanced
Scroll down to Security and tell it to allow active content to run in files
on My Computer.


Frank Saunders said:
Tools | Internet Options | Advanced
Scroll down to Security and tell it to allow active content to run in
files on My Computer.

Thanks Frank. Forgot all about that tab and kept going into the Security
The Advanced tab settings required a reboot.

<%= Clinton Gallagher

Frank Saunders, MS_MVP OE

clintonG said:
Thanks Frank. Forgot all about that tab and kept going into the Security
The Advanced tab settings required a reboot.

<%= Clinton Gallagher

Thanks for the feedback.

Robert Aldwinckle

The Advanced tab settings required a reboot.

Did you try making your change with just a *restart*?

Restart: means closing all IE windows and making sure that
all instances of iexplore.exe have stopped running
(e.g. using the Processes tab in Task Manager)


Robert Aldwinckle


Robert Aldwinckle said:

Did you try making your change with just a *restart*?

Restart: means closing all IE windows and making sure that
all instances of iexplore.exe have stopped running
(e.g. using the Processes tab in Task Manager)


Robert Aldwinckle

No I did not. I need to reboot every now and then anyway as I keep a dozen
or so applications open while working on projects and you know how pokey
performance can get but stopping anmd restarting the process is a useful

<%= Clinton Gallagher

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