1st - On emule - I dwonloaded the latest version and installed it- It went
fine until at the end it came out saying that install had some probelms. I
launched it - It looked fine. I connected to servers - Fine
Staretd seraching and downloading - looked fine . Then when i went to open
those files or folders - it gave a big ERROR - even the directories were not
created - Incoming directory where emule uses to store those files were not
created and hence no files? Can someone possibly explain whats going on
2 nd - Bit comet installed fine. When i tried downloading the torrent file .
It said it cant listen on port 7635 or something?
Next i still proceeded with seacrhing torrent files and using bit comet- It
then seemed to work fine- It seemed to donload and all and showed the ticker
and download speed and showed status as complete. Looked into those
directories and nothing was there. The directory was read only - I changed
that to full control. But now it keeps on saying cant listen to port 7635.
COuld somone shed some light on this
Also MS you edit profile on passport redirects to a page not found ?????
fine until at the end it came out saying that install had some probelms. I
launched it - It looked fine. I connected to servers - Fine
Staretd seraching and downloading - looked fine . Then when i went to open
those files or folders - it gave a big ERROR - even the directories were not
created - Incoming directory where emule uses to store those files were not
created and hence no files? Can someone possibly explain whats going on
2 nd - Bit comet installed fine. When i tried downloading the torrent file .
It said it cant listen on port 7635 or something?
Next i still proceeded with seacrhing torrent files and using bit comet- It
then seemed to work fine- It seemed to donload and all and showed the ticker
and download speed and showed status as complete. Looked into those
directories and nothing was there. The directory was read only - I changed
that to full control. But now it keeps on saying cant listen to port 7635.
COuld somone shed some light on this
Also MS you edit profile on passport redirects to a page not found ?????