I have the script below to perform a hard delete on items in the deleted
items folder. I have it scheduled aa a task but it only deletes 10 or 20
' Antonio Gonzalez 3.2.2006, 3.6.2006
' This is a sample script, provided as is without warranty.
' Sample scripts are not intended to run in a production environment.
' Microsof Corporation.
Option Explicit
Const cdoDefaultFolderCalendar = 0
Const cdoDefaultFolderContacts = 5
Const cdoDefaultFolderDeletedItems = 4
Const cdoDefaultFolderInbox = 1
Const cdoDefaultFolderJournal = 6
Const cdoDefaultFolderNotes = 7
Const cdoDefaultFolderOutbox = 2
Const cdoDefaultFolderSentItems = 3
Const cdoDefaultFolderTasks = 8
Dim ie_application, document
Dim cdo_session, cdo_folder, cdo_items, cdo_item
Dim servername, profilename, profileinfo, vbsLineFeed
vbsLineFeed = Chr(10)
Set ie_application = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With (ie_application)
.Top = 45
.Left = 45
.Width = 500
.Height = 250
.Resizable = False
.StatusBar = True
.AddressBar = False
.ToolBar = False
.MenuBar = False
Do While (.Busy)
WScript.Sleep 500
.Navigate "about:blank"
.Visible = True
Set document = .Document
End With
document.writeln "<html>"
document.writeln "<head>"
document.writeln "<title>SRX060227604215</title>"
document.writeln "<script language=""javascript"">"
document.writeln "<!--"
document.writeln "defaultStatus = document.title"
document.writeln "' -->"
document.writeln "</script>"
document.writeln "</head>"
document.writeln "<body bgcolor=""#ffffff"">"
document.body.style.cursor = "wait"
document.writeln "<p>Processing request, please wait...</p>"
ie_application.StatusText = "Connecting to server..."
servername = "sbke2kdev01"
profilename = "PowersB"
profileinfo = servername & vbsLineFeed & profilename
Set cdo_session = WScript.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
cdo_session.Logon "", "", False, False, 0, True, profileinfo
Set cdo_folder = cdo_session.GetDefaultFolder(cdoDefaultFolderDeletedItems)
Set cdo_items = cdo_folder.Messages
For Each cdo_item In cdo_items
document.writeln "* "
ie_application.StatusText = "Deleting: " & cdo_item.Subject '& " from " &
cdo_item.Delete False
Set cdo_item = Nothing
Set cdo_items = Nothing
Set cdo_folder = Nothing
Set cdo_session = Nothing
document.writeln "<p>Request completed successfully.</p>"
document.body.style.cursor = "default"
document.writeln "</body>"
document.writeln "</html>"
WScript.Sleep 4000
items folder. I have it scheduled aa a task but it only deletes 10 or 20
' Antonio Gonzalez 3.2.2006, 3.6.2006
' This is a sample script, provided as is without warranty.
' Sample scripts are not intended to run in a production environment.
' Microsof Corporation.
Option Explicit
Const cdoDefaultFolderCalendar = 0
Const cdoDefaultFolderContacts = 5
Const cdoDefaultFolderDeletedItems = 4
Const cdoDefaultFolderInbox = 1
Const cdoDefaultFolderJournal = 6
Const cdoDefaultFolderNotes = 7
Const cdoDefaultFolderOutbox = 2
Const cdoDefaultFolderSentItems = 3
Const cdoDefaultFolderTasks = 8
Dim ie_application, document
Dim cdo_session, cdo_folder, cdo_items, cdo_item
Dim servername, profilename, profileinfo, vbsLineFeed
vbsLineFeed = Chr(10)
Set ie_application = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With (ie_application)
.Top = 45
.Left = 45
.Width = 500
.Height = 250
.Resizable = False
.StatusBar = True
.AddressBar = False
.ToolBar = False
.MenuBar = False
Do While (.Busy)
WScript.Sleep 500
.Navigate "about:blank"
.Visible = True
Set document = .Document
End With
document.writeln "<html>"
document.writeln "<head>"
document.writeln "<title>SRX060227604215</title>"
document.writeln "<script language=""javascript"">"
document.writeln "<!--"
document.writeln "defaultStatus = document.title"
document.writeln "' -->"
document.writeln "</script>"
document.writeln "</head>"
document.writeln "<body bgcolor=""#ffffff"">"
document.body.style.cursor = "wait"
document.writeln "<p>Processing request, please wait...</p>"
ie_application.StatusText = "Connecting to server..."
servername = "sbke2kdev01"
profilename = "PowersB"
profileinfo = servername & vbsLineFeed & profilename
Set cdo_session = WScript.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
cdo_session.Logon "", "", False, False, 0, True, profileinfo
Set cdo_folder = cdo_session.GetDefaultFolder(cdoDefaultFolderDeletedItems)
Set cdo_items = cdo_folder.Messages
For Each cdo_item In cdo_items
document.writeln "* "
ie_application.StatusText = "Deleting: " & cdo_item.Subject '& " from " &
cdo_item.Delete False
Set cdo_item = Nothing
Set cdo_items = Nothing
Set cdo_folder = Nothing
Set cdo_session = Nothing
document.writeln "<p>Request completed successfully.</p>"
document.body.style.cursor = "default"
document.writeln "</body>"
document.writeln "</html>"
WScript.Sleep 4000