Emptying 'REMOTE' Recycle Bins - How???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hammer Toe
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Hammer Toe

Anyone know how this might be done?

Here's the situation:

Have a number of PCs (4) on a small home network and use one of them -
'REMOTE' from my main workstation to store large files, backups, etc.
(The REMOTE PC in question has 480GB of disk space, most of it
used/almost full).

From time to time as I create new backups, etc., I need to be able to
free up space on the remote PC but deleting files 'remotely' (from my
main workstation0 isn't sufficient.

I ALSO need to 'walk over' and MANUALLY EMPTY the Recycle Bin on the
Remote PC to 'really' free up the space.

Anyone know how I might be able to empty the (Remote) Recycle Bin

PS: I also run Norton Systemworks 2003 on all my PCs, so I would need
to be able to empty the 'Norton Protected Recycle Bin' also.

Oh, and by the way, I would like to be able to EASILY empty the Remote
Bins. I guess I COULD run some sort of app like PCAnywhere BUT that's
a more method than I would prefer.

I would just like to be able to click/right click on a local icon and
'do it'. if possible.

The recycle bin is a directory named RECYCLER on each local drive. In each
of these, there is a recycle bin for each user who has used the system.
This recycler directory is hidden, by default. But, you can access it by
going to \\remotemachine\c$\recycler (or d$, e$, &c.) So, browse to that
location then open each individual directory in there which will be named as
the user's SID. Then you can delete the files in there.

Ray at work