Trying to get two PC connected, I'm currently stuck on the following
My server PC can't see anything, neither in the "Workgroup" tab, or
in the "search computers" tab. Not even itself... How the hell is that
possible that it doesn't even see itself??
Been trying for hours to read newsgroups to fix that with no success
yet, so help is warmly welcome!
PS: The connection between my two PCs works fine when it comes to
internet connection sharing, pinging both ways, etc...
Trying to get two PC connected, I'm currently stuck on the following
My server PC can't see anything, neither in the "Workgroup" tab, or
in the "search computers" tab. Not even itself... How the hell is that
possible that it doesn't even see itself??
Been trying for hours to read newsgroups to fix that with no success
yet, so help is warmly welcome!
PS: The connection between my two PCs works fine when it comes to
internet connection sharing, pinging both ways, etc...