Hi Matthew,
The documentation you refer to is for the System.String type, not for VB's
equality operator.
From VB, you can use VB's operators fro intrinsic types, or you can use the
methods of the underlying framework type such as String.Equals and
MyString.Op_Equality etc. So that documentation is actually also correct, just
it is talking about the methods the String class has, not VB's intrinsic type
As to how I came to know this, well that's a long story, no doubt <g> It was
years ago literally, as part of my exploration of the new framework and looking
at how well VB ported to VB. Strings was an interesting change compared to VB6,
yet they did manage to keep the look and feel of Vb strings pretty much, even
though they moved to being immutable reference types. So as we moved from VB6
to Vb.NET, suddenly we could actually compare string references, and at the same
time, we could still treat null references like instances. In Vb6, there was
little way to tell if a string was actually a nullstring, except for using
VarPtr. Anyway the differences, and the poor documentation in the early days
(and still somewhat lacking documentation today <g>) drove me to dig down under
the hood to see what was what. You know, that curiosity and the cat thing