Empty Sides on Browser Screen



I have Windows XP Home Edition and recently downloaded
Micorsoft Updates and IE 6.0 SP1. After I downloaded the
updates, but before the IE download, many of the webpages
showed up on my screen with empty space on 1 or both
sides. In some cases the text actually runs over into the
empty space but the page background ends. The latest IE
download did not fix this problem.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Becky said:
I have Windows XP Home Edition and recently downloaded
Micorsoft Updates and IE 6.0 SP1. After I downloaded the
updates, but before the IE download, many of the webpages
showed up on my screen with empty space on 1 or both
sides. In some cases the text actually runs over into the
empty space but the page background ends. The latest IE
download did not fix this problem.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Do you have any example sites?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
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