Empty folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Leed
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Bill Leed

I notice there are many empty folders, especially in Windows\System32. Most
of these are dated from at least six months before I upgraded to WindowsXP
(from ME). Can I safely delete these, since they are just taking up room?
"How much room can they take up if they are empty folders?"

Depends on whether the folders are taking up a lot of empty space or just a

Sorry for making a joke at the OP's expense...it was just too tempting. To
somehow make things right, I would offer this suggestion: The folders might
appear to be empty if 'Display the contents of system folders' is unchecked.

Modem Ani

Wesley Vogel said:
How much room can they take up if they are empty folders?

Do these folders have names?

If they are system folders, you can't delete them.

[[The System32 folder and its subfolders contain the core operating system
files for your Windows XP installation.]]

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Bill Leed said:
I notice there are many empty folders, especially in Windows\System32.
Most of these are dated from at least six months before I upgraded to
WindowsXP (from ME). Can I safely delete these, since they are just
taking up room?

You have a choice.. you can leave things as they are and still enjoy a
working computer, or you can try to delete the empty folders that are really
doing no harm at all and taking up negligible anything, and screw up your

Your call..