Employee type table

Apr 28, 2007
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Hi ya, I'm stuck with one thing, once I saw somebody using tables inside tables forexample, for Employee type table you have director, manager, tutors, finace manager etc etc and when you click on one of them it expands and shows how many employee are under each section and there details etc, how would I go about doing that...

let me try to explain a bit more, for exapme there is a company that has many employees, like 4 directors, 10 tutors, 11 managers, 20 janitors etc, so when i go to employee type table and click on director emplyee field inside the table and there is this + sign beside it and when I click on it, it expands and shows me info on all the directors only.. How would I get that?? Do I have to make a seperate table for directors only but then how would I add a relationship to it??