How do I emphasize one axis value by making that gridline
I tried the major gridline idea but then it changes the
incremental amounts.
We might need a little more detail. What are the minimum and maximum values
for that axis? Exactly where do you want all of the darker gridlines?
Where do you want all of the lighter gridlines? Let me try to throw out an
example with some guesses at the answer to those questions.
Your axis has a minimum of 130k and a maximum of 170k. You need gridlines
at every 10k (140k, 150k, and 160k). You want a thick line at 150k and thin
lines at 140k and 160k.
Select the axis by clicking on it. On the menu, click Format | Selected
Axis | Scale tab. Set minimum to 130k, maximum to 170k, major unit to 20k,
and minor unit to 10k. Click OK.
Now select the chart and go to Chart | Chart options | Gridlines tab. Make
sure that the axis you are woking with has boxes checked for both minor and
major gridlines. Click OK.
Now click on the gridline at 150k. Go to Format | Selected gridlines |
Patterns tab. Set the line type as you wish. Click OK and repeat this
sequence after you have selected the gridline at 140k.
dvt at psu dot edu