.eml.%%%OECustomProperty and windows mail .

  • Thread starter Thread starter Antoine
  • Start date Start date


Hello . I need help . I run vista home premium .I got my winmail message
store damaged and Cannot read any longer all my mails saved into My local
folders. when I open windows explorer and go to C:\Users\Antoine
Granatino\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\local folders i can see my
local subfolder but cannot open any of the mails ffor they have a
..eml.%%%OECustomProperty file extension . Can you help me please ?
This would be very much appreciated since right now I face a catastrophy .
Thanks . but I had tried the utility before and it did not solve the problem
.. Any further idea ?
Best regards .
Gary thanks . But do you know a way to transform these eml.%%%%etc. into eml?
thanks a lot
Go to the directory with those files in it via the Command Prompt and type

rename *.eml%* *.eml

see if if that works.

It sounds as if you have some 3rd party program interfering and you need to
figure out what it is and get rid of it. See point 3 here:

Steve thanks . You are right . It is a third party program from an Internet
service provider that did interfere with windowsmail. I did un install the
program but apparently there are still some stuff remaining and I cannot get
rid of it .
Now you are saying : go to the directory with those file in it via the
command prompt and rename *.eml%. *.eml . Steve I do not know how to do
that ? what is the command prompt ? which directory ? I am really sorry to
bug you down , you guys are so proficients and I am a "novice" . thanks a
lot for the help .
best regards .
Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.
It basically simulates what MS-DOS was like before Windows came along.
See Gary's answer. You can then try File | Import | Messages and choose
Windows Mail 7 format and point to the directory to import them, or if that
won't work, then you can select all the eml files (only eml files) and drag
them overtop an open Winmail folder message list and drop them and then they
will get imported into the folder.

Gary thanks ; once get the command prompt black screen on my display what do
I do next ? This is where I need help .
Please help . Thanks a lot .
on the black screen you want to navigate to the directory of eml files:

CD C:\users\{yourusername}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local
Folders\inbox (or whatever directory)

Then type

Rename *.eml%* *.eml

That should do it.

I think we are going over the OP's head, because he has no
experience with DOS commands. :-(
Steve hello . what I did was as follows :
I went on the directory where these files were contained
Then I went to command promt
What I got on the black screen was :
C:\Users\Antoine Granatino>

Despite the fact the folder root was : C:\Users\Antoine
Granatino\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\User0\Local Folders\local
folder ancient
Nevertheless after C:\Users\Antoine Granatino>

I typed following :
Rename *.eml.%%%OECustomProperty* *.eml*
So what was displayed on the command prompt sceen was :
C:\Users\Antoine Granatino> rename *.eml.%%%OECustomProperty* *.eml*

And the answer that I get is : specified file not found

Please tell me what I did wrong .
Thanks .
Hi Antoine,

You have to go to the directory where the eml files are. So from

C:\Users\Antoine Granatino


CD appdata
CD Local
CD Microsoft
CD Windows Mail
CD User0
CD Local Folders
CD Inbox (or whatever the appropriate directory is)

and then you should be in the correct directory. You can type


and that should list the eml% files. Then type

rename *.eml%* *.eml

see if you can get there okay.

Steve I did what you advised . So Finally I got to get to the directory . I
learned something and I am grateful to you . the file converted to an eml
file . but the content and sender ID got lost . when I opened the mail that
I had converted I got : unspecified sender and the mail content was either
empty or garbled, distorted.
So apparently it does not worK . If you have an email address I could send
that message to you so you could see the result .
regards .
Hi Antoine,

You can send to scochran @ oehelp.com . Just remove the spaces. It would
be interesting to see. Also I noticed that the path is not the standard
path for Winmail as they interposed a directory (User0), which was not there

If things are not working well, then you can rename the Windows Mail
directory (C:\Users\Antoine
Granatino\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail to C:\Users\Antoine
Granatino\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail Old --with WinMail closed)
and when WinMail opens again it will re-establish the directory clean, and
then you can add your accounts and start fresh. Any intact messages will
still be in the renamed directory.

Directory/file names containing a space (e.g. "Windows Mail")
need to be enclosed in parentheses.
Not in DOS mode when using CD. Try it.


Directory/file names containing a space (e.g. "Windows Mail")
need to be enclosed in parentheses.
Windows is quite confusing (inconsistent) about use of double quotes around
file names.

You're right. Not sure where I got that requirement.