I need to get data of a hard drive that came out of a windows 2000 sp3
machine. Filesystem is NTFS. It is a secondary drive that has only data. The
primary drive (containing OS) has become unbootable (stop error....
inaccessable boot device... I tried recovery console fixmbr with no luck) I
also tried running the regular recovery process.
I tool the secondary (data) drive out. It should be ok. How can I get to it?
I am assuming I need to put it into another machine. What is the procedure?
Since the drive is NTFS will I be able to access the data? The other machine
I plan on using to try to get the data is XP Pro sp1. (although if I need a
2k machine then fine I can get one.)
I will be searching MS site for procedures but time is very short. I am
hoping someone here can assist.
desperately seeking guidance.
machine. Filesystem is NTFS. It is a secondary drive that has only data. The
primary drive (containing OS) has become unbootable (stop error....
inaccessable boot device... I tried recovery console fixmbr with no luck) I
also tried running the regular recovery process.
I tool the secondary (data) drive out. It should be ok. How can I get to it?
I am assuming I need to put it into another machine. What is the procedure?
Since the drive is NTFS will I be able to access the data? The other machine
I plan on using to try to get the data is XP Pro sp1. (although if I need a
2k machine then fine I can get one.)
I will be searching MS site for procedures but time is very short. I am
hoping someone here can assist.
desperately seeking guidance.