embeded sound stops playing on differnt computers

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my presentation has some embeded sounds that play fine on my computer, but
when i play the presentaion on other computers, the sound plays, but stops
before it is done playing, what is wrong?
I misunderstood you in the othrer post (best to keep to one BTW) - so it
plays OK but stops before it has run its course?

How is it inserted (eg is it insert > movies & sounds OR as a transition
sound) and what are the settings in custom animation timing especially the
stop setting?
ok, yeah its plays ok, but it stops playing before it completly runs through.
the clip is only about 1 sec long. the sound plays when an autoshape
(retangle) appears. i don't see any options for stop. where should i be
looking for that? and if it plays fine on my computer, y wouldn't it on
other computers?
Is the rectangle appearing followed by another animation (after previous)??

If so is it possible that the "sound" of this one is "stop previous sound"?
the rectangle IS followed by another rectangle that IS set to "after
previous", but the second rectangle is not set to "stop previous sound"
because the second rectangle plays a song. But if the second rectangle is
set to "after previous", does it matter what it's sound setting is?
That second sond would stop the first sound (depends on you sound card but it
could well) Maybe add a short delay to the second animation so that it plays
say 1/2 second after the first ends. --
alright, i used a different computer in my house and it worked, but i've
noticed another problem... i said something earlier about the embeded
fonts... well they transfer to another computer, but only when i'm editing,
when i play the slideshow on the second computer, the embeded fonts are no
longer the same fonts. i don't get what the problem is with that. i don't
think it was in the article you game me a link to, was it? if its not, do
you know what the problem is?
its a font that was already on the computer, so it should work, i don't know
why the other computer doesn't have the font though, its possible it was
deleted, but that still doesn't explain why it won't work when its embeded on
the slidewhow
its a font that was already on the computer, so it should work,

Not really. Lots of applications and OEM setups include fonts.

i don't know
why the other computer doesn't have the font though, its possible it was
deleted, but that still doesn't explain why it won't work when its embeded
the slidewhow

Because some fonts can not be embedded. Have a read here:

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia, PFCPro, PFCExpress
its a font that was already on the computer, so it should work,

Meaning that it was on the computer where you created the presentation?
Remember, we're not looking over your shoulder. Your words are our eyes. Best
to make it as clear as possible.

The fact that the font's on the computer doesn't mean much except that it's on
the computer. It doesn't mean that any other computer has the font and it
doesn't mean that the font's embeddable.

Generally, if a font's not embeddable, PPT will display an error message when
you try to save the presentation with embedded fonts. Did you see anything like
i don't know
why the other computer doesn't have the font though, its possible it was

Or that it was never installed there in the first place. What's the name of the
but that still doesn't explain why it won't work when its embeded on
the slidewhow

No, it doesn't. So another question: you mentioned that when you opened the
show on the second computer, the font's ok in edit mode but not in slide show
mode. Are you relying on what you see in the font dropdown on the formatting
toolbar when you select some text? Probably not, but if so, don't. It only
tells you what font it's SUPPOSED to be, not that the font's really available.

Instead, choose Format, Replace Fonts. Look at the icons to the left of the
problem font(s). What do they look like?
the font was already on this computer that i created the presentation on, but
all the fonts on this computer are fonts that have always been on the
computer since i've had it . thats why i thought these fonts would be on
other computers. the font i used was Times New Roman Special G1. I checked
the box for embeded truetype fonts and i didn't see any error message. i
viewed the presentation then on two different computer. on both of those
computers. the Times New Roman Special G1 became either Windings or something
similar while viewing the presentaion only. when i was editing, the font was
fine. But this was not the only font problems i had with this. There were
other fonts that were used a couple times that also didn't stay the same
during presentation. To get around the problem i saved all the changing
fonts as pictures, and reinserted them into the slide that way. However it
bothers me that i would be unable to then re-edit those words and sentances.
I'm not exactly sure what else i can do to get this to work.
the font was already on this computer that i created the presentation on, but
all the fonts on this computer are fonts that have always been on the
computer since i've had it . thats why i thought these fonts would be on
other computers.

Not necessarily. And, case in point:
the font i used was Times New Roman Special G1.

I had to scare up a copy of that font once for somebody's project but it's never
been on any PC I've owned. I think it comes with one of the MS reference
programs or the like, but no matter. The bottom line is that it's highly
UNlikely that it'll be on most PCs.
I checked
the box for embeded truetype fonts and i didn't see any error message.

OK, a good start.
viewed the presentation then on two different computer. on both of those
computers. the Times New Roman Special G1 became either Windings or something
similar while viewing the presentaion only. when i was editing, the font was

Again, please open the PPT on the computer where it's not working right, choose
Format, Replace Fonts and tell us what icon appears to the left of each of the
"problem" fonts. There are four possibiliities:

- A Printer icon (meaning it's a PostScript or printer resident font; not
embeddable, and not likely to be on other PCs; probably won't see this because
you'd have gotten an error message when you saved with font embedding enabled).

- A question mark icon (the needed font isn't present)

- A TT icon (the font's TrueType and it's available)

- A small TT icon (TrueType font, embedded in the document)
But this was not the only font problems i had with this. There were
other fonts that were used a couple times that also didn't stay the same
during presentation. To get around the problem i saved all the changing
fonts as pictures, and reinserted them into the slide that way. However it
bothers me that i would be unable to then re-edit those words and sentances.
I'm not exactly sure what else i can do to get this to work.

Probably all it'll take is sticking with fonts that are on all PCs, or at least
on the PCs where you want to show the presentation.

As another test, save a copy of the presentation, then choose Format, Replace
Fonts. Replace Times New Romain Special Gwhatsit with plain old Times New Roman
(this *IS* on every Windows PC shipped since 1990 or so ... your odds are good).

Since you haven't mentioned what other fonts you've used, I can't suggest the
best alternatives for them, but since this is just a test, try replacing all of
them with either Times New Roman or Arial. Then see if the presentation behaves
better on the other PC
I think that I have misinterpreted your first post. On the original computer
that I created the presentation on, there was not an error message when I
tried to save the presentation with the embedded font. I’m sorry, but I just
now realized that you meant the second computer that I am trying to play the
presentation on. When I tried to save the presentation on the second
computer, I did get and error message. It listed the fonts that should have
been embedded and told me that they were not installed. These fonts were:
Abadi MT Condensed Light, Bradly Hand ITC, Times New Roman Special G1,
Blackadder ITC, and Rockwell Extra Bold. Like you said, switching Times New
Roman Special G1 to Times New Roman is fine and will work, but I don’t know
what to do about these other fonts.

On the computer were the presentation is not working, I went to Format,
Replace Fonts, like you said. I got a question mark for Abadi MT condensed
Light and Bradly ITC, but the other three fonts were not even on the list.

You said that the best idea is to stick with fonts that are on all PCs. If
embedding wont’ work, then I agree. But the problem with that is that the
original computer that the PPT was created on obviously has extra fonts, and
the second computer that the PPT doesn’t work well on, I know for sure has
extra fonts. I also can’t just switch all the fonts to Times New Roman or
Arial because I rely on some of the fonts to look a certain way. Neither
Arial nor Times New Roman has the right look to its letters.

If embedding these fonts will not work like I would like it to, than the
next thing I will try is to find a list of original fonts (that are on all
computers), so that I know which fonts I can and can’t use.
If embedding these fonts will not work like I would like it to, than the
next thing I will try is to find a list of original fonts (that are on all
computers), so that I know which fonts I can and can't use.

Sounds like a plan... :-)

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia, PFCPro, PFCExpress
I found this article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314960

This is depressing as there are only 7 fonts that are on ALL computers. :-(
But its ok, i'm gonna try a few more things, and if it doesn't work I'll
stick to my "Save-as-Picture Method."

Thank you so much for all the help thats being given to me. I'm sorry if i
am difficult to work with. I reread all the posts and realized there were
somethings I skipped, didn't read, and didn't answer. I'm sorry about that.
This PowerPoint presentation is the biggest PowerPoint Project I've ever done
and its fun and difficult all at the same time. I'm trying to get it perfect
and its hard, but, with all this help, I think I can do it.
I think that I have misinterpreted your first post. On the original computer
that I created the presentation on, there was not an error message when I
tried to save the presentation with the embedded font. I’m sorry, but I just
now realized that you meant the second computer that I am trying to play the
presentation on. When I tried to save the presentation on the second
computer, I did get and error message. It listed the fonts that should have
been embedded and told me that they were not installed. These fonts were:
Abadi MT Condensed Light, Bradly Hand ITC, Times New Roman Special G1,
Blackadder ITC, and Rockwell Extra Bold. Like you said, switching Times New
Roman Special G1 to Times New Roman is fine and will work, but I don’t know
what to do about these other fonts.
On the computer were the presentation is not working, I went to Format,
Replace Fonts, like you said. I got a question mark for Abadi MT condensed
Light and Bradly ITC, but the other three fonts were not even on the list.

Even though they were on the Replace Fonts list on the computer where you created
the presentation? Odd.
You said that the best idea is to stick with fonts that are on all PCs. If
embedding wont’ work, then I agree. But the problem with that is that the
original computer that the PPT was created on obviously has extra fonts, and
the second computer that the PPT doesn’t work well on, I know for sure has
extra fonts. I also can’t just switch all the fonts to Times New Roman or
Arial because I rely on some of the fonts to look a certain way. Neither
Arial nor Times New Roman has the right look to its letters.

If embedding these fonts will not work like I would like it to, than the
next thing I will try is to find a list of original fonts (that are on all
computers), so that I know which fonts I can and can’t use.

The list varies by Windows version. Happens I created a list when I installed Win
XP though; maybe that'll help:

Comic Sans
Courier New
Franklin Gothic Medium and Italic
Lucida Sans
Lucida Sans Unicode
Lucida Console
Microsoft Sans Serif
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman

and some other misc. fonts that don't include the normal character set we use for
English, so we'll ignore 'em.
This is depressing as there are only 7 fonts that are on ALL computers. :-(

Ugly, isn't it?
Thank you so much for all the help thats being given to me. I'm sorry if i
am difficult to work with. I reread all the posts and realized there were
somethings I skipped, didn't read, and didn't answer. I'm sorry about that.

No problem ... we live, we learn. Keep it in mind for next time and we all
profit by it. <g>