Here is a sample page so you can check it out in IE.
No double clicking...
John Malone
| There is a way!!!! Eureka!
| That's the ticket!!!
| Now it can work without the double clicking...
| js is the way around the active-X control problem
| John Malone
| =============
| || Yikes.
|| The message you wrote (below) to definitely is true for IE. Bummer!
|| I'll take a closer look at what Trevor wrote, tonight after work.
|| Thanks.
|| || The double click is in IE browsers only if you have NN or FF or Opera
|| only takes one click..
|| SO the problem is the browser settings witch you have no control over.
|| For those that view video a lot they should know.
|| If you hover over the player the tool tip says
|| "Click to activate and use this control"
|| Trevor had a unique JS script Play/Stop button that might over ride the
|| security settings and work...
|| John Malone
|| ====================
|| ||| Hi John
||| I installed the Frontpage add-in for WMP. This allows (in FP 2003)
||| following, Insert | Windows Media Player ..., then I adjust the
|| parameters,
||| i.e., looping (not selected), autostart (not selected) and browse for
||| wmv file. I can also choose the size and what level of controls will
||| available.
||| It does play on the second click. If I click anywhere on the WMP
|| (on
||| the site), then click the play button, the video will play out.
|| now,
||| I've had to put an instruction for a visitor to double-click the play
||| button.
||| On the code: When I put a value of "0" for autostart, it requires two
||| clicks, when I enter "1" or "T", it plays automatically. There must
||| value for a single click (no? yes?). This video is a product demo
|| sec)
||| and it has sound. Because it has sound (just a short voice clip), I
| don't
||| want it to autostart. I want the visitor to choose to play the video,
| who
||| would then be prepared for sound (maybe I shouldn't think that way,
||| do).
||| I hope the above helps.
||| Diana
||| ||| More information is needed
||| How (code) used to embed?
||| Have you set it to False?
||| <OBJECT ID="Player"
||| CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6">
||| <PARAM name="autoStart" value="False">
||| </OBJECT>
||| Does it start on the second click?
||| This might be security settings.........
||| John Malone
||| ===================
||| |||| I've embedded windows media player and set it up so that it plays on
|||| site, however, I can't get it to play with a single click. I can set
||| to
|||| auto play, but I don't want that. Is there an easy way to do this?
|||| Thanks.