Hi, I am currently doing some development for a corporate portal and I
have a couple of questions about embedding outlook in a portlet. The
solution I have found is to use the outlook view activex control in the
portlet, but this doesnt really give me what I need. What I would like
is to have kind of a summary showing emailaddress, number of unread
messages in the inbox, number of open tasks, etc for the logged on
user. The activex control only gives me the entire view of the inbox,
calendar, etc.
So, can the outlook view control be used to show a summary, like
Outlook Today, on a webpage or do I have to resort to writing my own
control to show this?
I currently use this piece of code to include the inbox, something
similar would be nice
<object classid='clsid:0006F063-0000-0000-C000-000000000046'
id='ovInbox' width='300' height='300' codebase='outlctlx.CAB'>
<param name='Folder' value='Inbox'>
<param name='Namespace' value='MAPI'>
<param name='Restriction' value>
<param name='DeferUpdate' value='0'>
have a couple of questions about embedding outlook in a portlet. The
solution I have found is to use the outlook view activex control in the
portlet, but this doesnt really give me what I need. What I would like
is to have kind of a summary showing emailaddress, number of unread
messages in the inbox, number of open tasks, etc for the logged on
user. The activex control only gives me the entire view of the inbox,
calendar, etc.
So, can the outlook view control be used to show a summary, like
Outlook Today, on a webpage or do I have to resort to writing my own
control to show this?
I currently use this piece of code to include the inbox, something
similar would be nice

<object classid='clsid:0006F063-0000-0000-C000-000000000046'
id='ovInbox' width='300' height='300' codebase='outlctlx.CAB'>
<param name='Folder' value='Inbox'>
<param name='Namespace' value='MAPI'>
<param name='Restriction' value>
<param name='DeferUpdate' value='0'>