Embedded Object

  • Thread starter Thread starter Angel G
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Angel G

How can I insert or display an embedded Object in a table (Via Form)?
It is a Project DB to a SQL server 2000. The data type field is Image.
I currently have a form that displays the table records but I can not insert
an object or display it.
I have been able to insert the object if I go to the table and right click
and select Insert Object, I can also display it when I am in the table and
double click the field?
How can I do these two operations via a form?
Can anyone help?
Hi, you definately can do this!!!

firstly check that the field type is OLE object within the table's design

Secondly, run the form wizard to produce a justified-formatted form to
display all the records from the one table.

You then may want to go into the Form's design and make the OLE object field
quite large (big enough to see an image in it!)

Then save and close the form, then open the form once again, insert data
into normal fields just as they are, to insert data into this OLE object
field, right click, click insert object and hey presto, that should do it.

Let us know how you get on

It is not a good idea to imbed images in your database. The Access Jet
database has a size limit of 2Gig. It usually doesn't take long to blow that
limit. The better solution is to create a hyperlink field in your table to
point to a file. Create a folder to store the image files and use the
hyperlink address to load them into your form at run time.
And also, if you have a lot of images, split them into subfolders, as
Windows takes a long time to iterate through folders containing many files

I aggree with Klatuu,

My use of what I've described is a small table, which has above ten records,
suppliers, and a small logo for each.

It is much better to carry out work by providing a link to the image within
a designated folder. ie at my local college they use a database which shows a
student's school photograph alongside their personal information.

When the files are not contained within Access, it makes it easier to
replace them (just be replacing the file with one with hte same file name),
edit the photograph/image and ensures you can use the image within other
programs etc, without having to duplicate all the images.

Let us know how you get on!

This is a Project database type (ADP) not a regular MDB file.
I am using Access as the client to manage the data stored in SQL 2000.
In SQL 2000 there is no OLE type field but rather Image type field.
I am also wanting not to have the user do a righclick (because I have all
shortcut menus disabled) but rather create on got focus event that will do
the same as the right click, Insert Object function.
Thank you for your suggestions dough.
I'm out of my area here, so can only provide a limited suggestion:

Within your organisation is there a network share which all users of the
system have acces to?

ie an "S Drive" ie shared area?

This will will allow you to place images within this drive, make absolute
links to this using the sql server, such as s:\images\jane.jpg

I'm unsure on how to create an image upload form, although i'm sure if you
google, you'll find something.

Best wishes for the project

It is a company requirement to store the files in SQL so that Backups and
security are implemented via SQL.
The same goes for portability, network paths, etc.
Thanks Dan!