No, Filming the screen won't give you a good quality.
Using a soft gives you the qualityy you need.
For example, you can use JING (free as far as i remember); it's quite
intuitive. Camtasia, for me, is the best but takes you money.
Once you start JING, you choose the part of the screen you want to record
(for a slideshow, it's of course full screen) Then uou choose to capture
Images or Video. Choose Video
3, 2, 1 ... TAke care to turn off microphone unless you need it
Record your PowerPoint presentation with screen recorder and then combine the two videos together with Windows Movie Maker. You can use DemoCreator (which offers video editing features as well) to make it.
pointspro1 wrote:
Embed Powerpoint show into a Video
I know that I can put a video into a Powerpoint presentation; however, is it
possible to embed a powerpoint presenation into a video?