Rick B
This is one of those stupid little things I feel embarrassed to ask about. I
am trying to link a cell from one worksheet to another cell in a different
worksheet within the same workbook. (ex. the formula in Sheet2!A1 is
=Sheet1!A1). Something I have done a million times. For some reason, instead
if showing the value of the linked cell, what appears in the cell is the
formula itself. It's like there was an apostrophe ( ' ) at the start of the
formula to make it text but there isn't.
What the heck is going on and why does the formula appear instead of the
am trying to link a cell from one worksheet to another cell in a different
worksheet within the same workbook. (ex. the formula in Sheet2!A1 is
=Sheet1!A1). Something I have done a million times. For some reason, instead
if showing the value of the linked cell, what appears in the cell is the
formula itself. It's like there was an apostrophe ( ' ) at the start of the
formula to make it text but there isn't.
What the heck is going on and why does the formula appear instead of the