The problem only occurs when user click the Outbox folder, then send an
Email. No problem if the folder is not selected.
The problem happens on Outlook 2007 and 2003. Not every computer will have
the problem.
The problem is caused by the interception of explorer.SelectionChange, whose
sole purpose is to catches the EntryIDs of the appointments selected for
In Outlook 2007, the problem can be avoided by replacing
explorer.SelectionChange with BeforeItemMove event.
What is the feasible solution for 2003?
Email. No problem if the folder is not selected.
The problem happens on Outlook 2007 and 2003. Not every computer will have
the problem.
The problem is caused by the interception of explorer.SelectionChange, whose
sole purpose is to catches the EntryIDs of the appointments selected for
In Outlook 2007, the problem can be avoided by replacing
explorer.SelectionChange with BeforeItemMove event.
What is the feasible solution for 2003?