Email's Auto Deleting



Email's that come in to the Outlook 2003 Inbox are deleting after 6 days.
Also, if a message older than 6 days is move to the Inbox it disappears. The
Email's are not moved into the deleted items foder.

I do not have archiving tuned on. I can not find any option that would cause
this to happen.

I receive Email's through 4 sources with Hotmail being one. I use rules to
mve Email's received into two other Inboxes depending upon which source they
came through.

Brian Tillman

Roy said:
Email's that come in to the Outlook 2003 Inbox are deleting after 6
days. Also, if a message older than 6 days is move to the Inbox it
disappears. The Email's are not moved into the deleted items foder.

Click View>Arrange By>Current View and choose something other than "Last
Seven Days".



I'm having the same issue with emails mass deleting.

Except, when I followed Brian's suggestion, I found that the "Messages"
check box was checked, but not the "last 7 days". This is the 2nd time this
has happened. I don't have Auto Archive turned on. Can anyone help?


Brian Tillman

Erick said:
I'm having the same issue with emails mass deleting.

Do they turn up in the Deleted Items folder? If you search for a string on
one of the messages you believe was deleted, does Find locate it and, if so,
what folder does Find say it's in?


I am having a similar problem, but there are no rules set and my view is set
to see all messages. I have only been using Outlook 2003 for four weeks
(finally migrated from a different mail program with my new PC) and I am
missing 3 weeks of mail! It is the 15th and I am missing everything prior to
the 4th of this month. Very problematic for me with my business.

Any help here???


Brian Tillman

Sharon said:
I am having a similar problem, but there are no rules set and my view
is set to see all messages. I have only been using Outlook 2003 for
four weeks (finally migrated from a different mail program with my
new PC) and I am missing 3 weeks of mail! It is the 15th and I am
missing everything prior to the 4th of this month. Very problematic
for me with my business.

Do you have autoarchive enabled?


I am having the same problem. AutoArchive is disabled and I see no rules. I
can only view this weeks email. Everything prior is missing, and it is only
happening to my inbox. I have been using this program for two months (new
computer) and wherever my messages are going, it is something that was set up
in the original programing. I am desperate for a solution, as this is my
business as well.


Hey Debra,
You may have already checked this, but if you're using Outlook 2k3 you can
change the view to view the last 7 days only. It's located under the view
menu > Arrange by > Current view. If it's showing last 7 days, change it to
Messages or Messages with preview and the rest of your messages should be

Hope this helps.

Brian Tillman

Debra said:
I am having the same problem. AutoArchive is disabled and I see no
rules. I can only view this weeks email. Everything prior is
missing, and it is only happening to my inbox.

Click View>Arrange By>Current View and select "Messages" instead of "Last
Seven Days".


Still can't see the email that disappeared before last Sunday. I'll just
wait and see what happens.


I'm still having problems. No rules are set up. Current View is set to
IMAP Messages. Everything is set to NOT Archive. I am still loosing my
inbox messages. They are no where to be find - not in deleted, archived, no
where. Please help.
I use Microsoft Office 2003.

Brian Tillman

Debra said:
I'm still having problems. No rules are set up. Current View is set
to IMAP Messages. Everything is set to NOT Archive. I am still
loosing my inbox messages. They are no where to be find - not in
deleted, archived, no where. Please help.
I use Microsoft Office 2003.

This doesn't make sense to me. If you're using an IMAP account, your
Outlook does not remove the messages from the server like a POP account
might. The messages stay on the server and you reference them there.
Unless you have something on the server that's deleting them, I just don't
see how this can be happening (not that I doubt it _is_ happening, I just
can't explain it). Sorry. SOmeone else will have to respond. I'm out of

Brian Tillman

Debra said:
My ISP is AOL. Is it possible that is where my problem is?

To me, "AOL" and "trouble" are synonymous.

Can you see the messages using a web interface to the server?


Hi Brian,
Maybe you can help me too. I have some emails from regular "firends' that
go directly to Deleted Folder. There are no rules and it is random
Driving me crazy!
Please help.

Brian Tillman

Patty said:
Maybe you can help me too. I have some emails from regular "firends'
that go directly to Deleted Folder. There are no rules and it is
random people/customers.

What type of account are you using, Exchange or POP? What version of

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