Emailing Worksheet from Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter bleu808
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I am trying to email a worksheet from excel 2003. I am following th
directions, but it always attaches the entire workbook and not just th
open worksheet.

When troubleshooting, i notice I do not have the email icon on m
toolbar, and help says this is because I do not have outlook on m
computer. I do have Outlook 2003... is there a way I can associat
these so I can send my worksheet?

Many thanks in advance
If your WorkSheet has any links or references to tables on other sheets in
that WorkBook, it will need the entire WorkBook sent in order to function
correctly. If not, then as a workaround, you could just copy that
WorkSheet over to a new WorkBook and then send "that" whole WorkBook and it
would only contain the one could delete any additional
unused sheets..........Select sheet > Right-click > Delete.........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3