Say It With said:
I would like to send a 4 slide powerpoint presentation to my customers. I
want the slideshow to open and transition automatically without them having
to click on a link to open it. Can somebody please tell me how to do this??
Have a look here:
Send a presentation that opens automatically in email
Understand, though, that someone who allowed anything received in email to run
automatically would have have had their computer eaten by viruses in very short
In other words, anyone silly or naive enough to have allowed you to do this
either doesn't have a working computer any longer or soon won't.
For the rest of us, you'll have to give up on it working automatically and use
one of the suggestions in the FAQ page above.
Really, this is a GOOD thing. Consider:
You get email from Joe Doakes, who you don't know. Are you going to let Joe
run any code he likes on your computer w/o even explaining why he wants to do
it? Not if you want to keep using your computer for long.
Or you get email from Jim Oaks, who you DO know. Or at least the email SEEMs
to come from Jim, but you can't be sure, can you? After all, that's one of the
ways viruses travel ... by sending email that *pretends* to be from someone you
know. So do you allow Jim's email to run automatically? W/o Jim at least
explaining why you should run it in the body of the email? See above for