I am searching for a code or workaround to get emailaddresses from Recieved
We use Outlook 2003...
Some customers are mailing us a tender (do not know if this is the right
englisch word) by mail.
All their custominformation is standing in the To field.
For example Emails is also sent To: john Doe; Microsoft; Maria;Patrick (and
so on)
Some emailaddresses are known by us and some not, but can be intressting for
I do not want them in a addresbook i just want their emailaddresses in a for
example a word document like this:
John Doe= (e-mail address removed)
Maria= (e-mail address removed)
[email protected]
Hope someone can help me..
I am searching for a code or workaround to get emailaddresses from Recieved
We use Outlook 2003...
Some customers are mailing us a tender (do not know if this is the right
englisch word) by mail.
All their custominformation is standing in the To field.
For example Emails is also sent To: john Doe; Microsoft; Maria;Patrick (and
so on)
Some emailaddresses are known by us and some not, but can be intressting for
I do not want them in a addresbook i just want their emailaddresses in a for
example a word document like this:
John Doe= (e-mail address removed)
Maria= (e-mail address removed)
[email protected]
Hope someone can help me..