1. Close A Hotmail account
- login with the username/pw, then click close
2. Cancel a Live ID
Go to account.live.com to cancel the Live ID
Note: if pursuing 1 and 2, 1 must be done before 2 or the process will fail.
Hotmail accounts older than 10 days go into inactive status automatically after 270 days of non use
Close your account
Free Windows Live Hotmail accounts become inactive if you don't sign in for more than 270 days or within the first 10 days after
signing up for an account. After an account becomes inactive, all messages, folders, and contacts are deleted. Incoming messages
will be sent back to the sender as undeliverable. Your account name is still reserved. However, if the account stays inactive for
an additional 90 days, the account name may be permanently deleted. If you don't use your Windows Live ID ( The user name and
password that you use to sign in to any Windows Live, MSN, or Office Live sites and services. If you have a Passport Network,
Hotmail, or Messenger account, you can use it as your Windows Live ID. ) for 365 days, your Windows Live ID may be permanently
If you need additional help...Support for Hotmail can be found in the online Hotmail Support forum
Hotmail Support
Hotmail Online Solutions Center
- requires creation of a username/pw that will also be linked to a Live ID
- Live ID username is **Not** visible to the public
- Do **Not** use the same password for the Solution Center Account that's used for your Live ID
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