R. C. White said:
HI, Mike..
Are you the real Mike Brannigan or an imposter? The real Mike is usually
not so gruff and includes [MSFT] in his username.
Microsoft says they won't create Win7 newsgroups before Win7 goes RTM.
But they never said that they WILL create Win7 groups even then. They
have created the Forums - which are most certainly NOT the same as NNTP
newsgroups. :>( It is obvious that Microsoft is trying to kill
newsgroups and force us all to use Forums. Many MVPs - including me -
are very disappointed in this attitude.
To Stu, the OP: These Vista NGs - and the Forums that "Mike" pointed
to - are about the best we can do until MSFT decides to improve the
situation - IF they ever do. I'm hoping - but I'm not holding my breath.
Some say (as Dave did in this thread) that it is possible to run WinMail
in Win7, but I haven't tried it - and won't, because I like WLMail much
better than WinMail, even in Vista. And WLMail is free for the
Yes it is the real me. The reason for my terse response is that people
seem more and more unable to take the simplest steps to help themselves,
such as looking on the Microsoft web site or using a simple query in an
Internet search engine.
To say "I have not been able to find a Win 7 forum yet" and then to post
here just confirms my position that the poster made pretty much no attempt
to locate as they even said a "forum".
Look at it this way if they just typed "Win 7 forum" into a search engine
such as Google for example the first three results are for a third party
forum and the official Microsoft forums.
Also any search of this newsgroup for Windows 7 you will see posts from
may people including Carey etc that again inform posters here to go to the
TechNet forums for support on the pre-release Windows 7 releases.
Yes I agree it was a snappy response but we have to keep telling people to
try and help themselves first - it is like the old adage about "give a man
a fish and feed him for a day, teach him to fish and he can feed himself
for life"- our responses should be more focused on helping people to help
themselves and provide pointers to where they can discover the information
they need so that they can become more skilled in solving there own
As an aside Microsoft has been very clear in its messaging about the move
from the included Windows Mail in Vista etc to the WLMail which again the
OP could have discovered.
The Microsoft moves with the communities initiatives will almost certainly
see the end of the use of NNTP newsgroups as the functionality of the
forum, lends itself to number of "benefits" such as a perceived ease of
use for the everyday user who is more comfortable with the web interfaces
of forums vs. setting up newsreaders etc, also the ability to attach
community flags and data(and gather and track this) to a post such as if
it is a suggestion or a feature request, feedback and voting and so on.
Ultimately newsgroups are some of the last vestiges of the old "Internet"
some of us remember with FTP, Gopher and WAIS etc before the HTTP/HTML
world we know and "love" today.
As regards my sig line the [MSFT] tag is only for use by Microsoft
employee - which I am no longer.
(I think one terse response out of the thousands I have given over the
years is possibly understandable)
Mike Brannigan
R. C. White said:
HI, Mike..
Are you the real Mike Brannigan or an imposter? The real Mike is usually
not so gruff and includes [MSFT] in his username.
Microsoft says they won't create Win7 newsgroups before Win7 goes RTM.
But they never said that they WILL create Win7 groups even then. They
have created the Forums - which are most certainly NOT the same as NNTP
newsgroups. :>( It is obvious that Microsoft is trying to kill
newsgroups and force us all to use Forums. Many MVPs - including me -
are very disappointed in this attitude.
To Stu, the OP: These Vista NGs - and the Forums that "Mike" pointed
to - are about the best we can do until MSFT decides to improve the
situation - IF they ever do. I'm hoping - but I'm not holding my breath.
Some say (as Dave did in this thread) that it is possible to run WinMail
in Win7, but I haven't tried it - and won't, because I like WLMail much
better than WinMail, even in Vista. And WLMail is free for the
Mike Brannigan said:
I have not been able to find a Win 7 forum yet so will try here.
<snipping off topic question by someone too lazy to even go find the
right place to post>
I guess you didn't not look too hard then.?!
Go post your Windows 7 questions here
If you had even had the common sense to go to
you would have found the another link right there on the right hand