Received e-mail states I need miscroft office XP cd, Do I need to buy this,
or can I download the program?
or can I download the program?
Hi Crystal,
The instructions for handling the zip file are bit sparse, you can download
Ultimate Zip, which is free, to unzip the file. Since you are being pointed to
Excel in the directions you should be getting a file with an .XLS file extension.
http://www.ultimatezip.com/faq.htm (Free for personal use)
Since Excel is by no mens free, you might want to use the free viewer from
Microsoft, which allows you to view the workbook, but not update it.
which is free for all users.
The above link was obtained using a Google Search (on a search bar):
site:microsoft.com excel.viewer
could also have been entered with quotes around instead of period between:
site:microsoft.com "excel viewwer"r
If you have to update the file you *might* be able to use Open Office
which is free and about 70MB of downloads between Open Office and
Java. Links re probably still good in